New Role For Diggers In Afghanistan
21st October 2008 -
Views: 857
The latest rotation of Australian soldiers in Afghanistan has begun operations in Oruzgan Province, the Minister for Defence, the Hon. Joel Fitzgibbon MP, announced today.
Fleet Commander Hosts Launch Of Navy Divers Television Series
17th October 2008 -
Views: 811
Rear Admiral Coates was joined by a host of media and industry people who took the chance to sneak a peek at the home of Australian Clearance Dive Team One.
Lord Nelson Sword Of Excellence Ceremony
13th October 2008 -
Views: 936
The Lord Nelson Sword of Excellence was presented by Commander Australian Fleet, Rear Admiral Nigel Coates AM RAN, on behalf of the Chief of Navy.
No Remains Of Wwii Airmen Located At Png Site
13th October 2008 -
Views: 803
A thorough search of the wreckage of a WWII RAAF Lockheed Hudson in Papua New Guinea has uncovered dog tags, but no remains of the four airmen lost with the aircraft on 11 February 1942.
Defence Jobs Carnival Grows In Prestige
10th October 2008 -
Views: 936
The Minister for Defence Science and Personnel the Hon Warren Snowdon MP has praised the Australian Football League Northern Territory (AFL NT) Defence Jobs Carnival underway in Darwin today.