Lord Nelson Sword Of Excellence Ceremony

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13th October 2008, 04:10pm - Views: 937

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Issued by Ministerial Support and Public Affairs, Department of Defence, Canberra, ACT

Phone: 02 6265 3343, Fax: 02 62656946

MSPA 331/08

Monday, 13 October 2008


Lieutenant Commander David Graham has today been awarded the Royal Australian

Navy’s (RAN) Lord Nelson Sword of Excellence, during a ceremony at HMAS

Stirling in Western Australia.

The Lord Nelson Sword of Excellence was presented by Commander Australian

Fleet, Rear Admiral Nigel Coates AM RAN, on behalf of the Chief of Navy.

This annual award is presented to an officer of the Australian fleet who has

continually displayed a degree of leadership consistent with the high standards set by

Horatio Lord Nelson.  The Chairman of the Nelson Society of Australia, Mr Mike

Sargeant, also participated in today’s ceremony, awarding a Nelson Society Medallion

to Lieutenant Commander Graham.

Lieutenant Commander Graham joined the RAN in 1992 and has most recently served

as the Commanding Officer of an Armidale Class Patrol Boat, based in Darwin.

Lieutenant Commander Graham has continually performed at an extremely high

standard.  During his command, he and the ship’s company won the prestigious Kelly

Shield in 2007, awarded annually for overall proficiency within the Patrol Boat Force

Element Group.

Lieutenant Commander Graham was previously based in Western Australia and

served aboard Collins-class submarines.  He will soon assume a position in the United

Kingdom, with the Royal Navy Sea Training Group.

The Sword, formally known as the ‘Vice Admiral Viscount Lord Nelson K.B.

Perpetual Sword of Excellence’, was presented to the RAN in 2005 by the Nelson

Society of Australia, reiterating the close links between the RAN and the Royal Navy.

Lord Nelson’s victory at Trafalgar in 1805 ensured the British Empire’s seagoing

supremacy for the next hundred years and enabled its exploration and colonisation of

many distant territories.

Media Note: 

Still imagery from the event will be available from the Defence website after 2:00pm


Media contact: Defence Media Liaison: 02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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