Special Operations Task Group Soldiers Wounded In Afghanistan - Update 1
4th September 2008 -
Views: 745
An Australian Special Forces soldier who suffered life-threatening wounds in a recent battle (2 September) with Taliban extremists will be evacuated to Germany today for further specialist care. The other eight soldiers wounded in the incident continue to be treated in Afghanistan.
Doorstop Regarding Sotg Solders Wounded In Afghanistan
3rd September 2008 -
Views: 794
What: Defence Director-General Public Affairs, Brigadier Brian Dawson, will hold a doorstop regarding the nine soldiers from Special Operations Task Group (SOTG) who were wounded in Oruzgan Province, Afghanistan, overnight.
Youth Challenge Forum To Debate Adf Roles
3rd September 2008 -
Views: 827
The Australian Defence Force (ADF) will sponsor a Defence 2020: Youth Challenge Forum, attended by some 75 local students, to debate: Is the Australian Defence Force a Responsible Citizen?
Air Force's No 21 Squadron - Proud To Be Part Of Melbourne
31st August 2008 -
Views: 866
Members of the Air Force Reserve Squadron and the Royal Australian Air Force Band will march along Swanston Street, watched by Lord Mayor John So and Chief of Air Force, Air Marshal Mark Binskin.
Air Combat Manoeuvring Instrumentation (acmi) Pod Department From F/a-18 Aircraft
29th August 2008 -
Views: 629
The suspected location of the pod is a sparsely populated area to the northeast of the town of Bylong and to the southwest of Merriwa, in the upper Hunter Valley.