Special Operations Task Group Soldiers Wounded In Afghanistan - Update 1

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4th September 2008, 05:44pm - Views: 746

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Issued by Ministerial Support and Public Affairs, Department of Defence, Canberra, ACT

Phone: 02 6265 3343, Fax: 02 62656946

MSPA 286/08

Thursday, 4 September 2008



An Australian Special Forces soldier who suffered life-threatening wounds in a recent

battle (2 September) with Taliban extremists will be evacuated to Germany today for

further specialist care.

The other eight soldiers wounded in the incident continue to be treated in


Defence spokesperson Brigadier Brian Dawson said he was pleased to be able to

report that the condition of some soldiers has improved.

“Following medical treatment, two of those listed yesterday as being seriously

wounded are now considered by doctors to be in a fair condition and that is

encouraging.  We do, however, remain deeply concerned for the soldier who will be

transferred to Germany later today,” Brigadier Dawson said.

“Our thoughts are now with the families of these wounded men as they cope with the

separation from their loved ones at this difficult time.”

The most recent status of the wounded soldiers is:

One soldier remains in a critical condition. He is being moved from Tarin

Kowt to US medical facilities in Germany today for further specialist medical


Three soldiers remain in a serious condition and continue to be treated in

ISAF medical facilities at Tarin Kowt.

The five remaining soldiers are now categorised as being in a fair or good


The ADF is working closely with all families to ensure that they are updated as

information is available and provided with additional support that they may require.

Defence will not be releasing personal details of the wounded soldiers and requests

that the media respect the privacy of their families.

Defence will not provide further information on this incident at this stage as Special

Operations Task Group (SOTG) operations are ongoing and release of additional

information could jeopardise the safety of those who remain in the field.

Further details of the ADF commitment to Afghanistan can be found at:

Media contact: Defence Media Liaison (02) 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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