Hmas Success Inquiry 1
11th February 2010 -
Views: 741
I have taken this decision following legal advice that the initial administrative inquiry is flawed due to bias. The flaws were identified during a review of a Redress of Grievance raised by a sailor involved in the initial inquiry.
Special Operations Task Group Discuss Future With Afghan Elders
9th February 2010 -
Views: 706
During the meeting, village leaders and representatives were consulted to gain an understanding from the community of their key needs and ideas for development proposals.
Sixth Anniversary Of The Opening Of The Australian Ex-pow Memorial In Ballarat 1
8th February 2010 -
Views: 695
The Hon Dr Mike Kelly AM MP, Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Support yesterday attended the sixth anniversary of the opening of the Australian Ex- Prisoners of War Memorial in Ballarat.
Parliamentary Secretary Launches The 2010 Adf Parliamentary
4th February 2010 -
Views: 725
The Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Support, the Hon Dr Mike Kelly AM MP, today launched the 2010 Australian Defence Force Parliamentary Program (ADFPP).
Reception To Mark First Year Of Civil-military Centre Of Excellence
3rd February 2010 -
Views: 690
The Asia-Pacific Civil-Military Centre of Excellence, a key initiative in the Government’s strategy for developing a more effective civil-military capability, has marked one year of operation.