Parliamentary Secretary Launches The 2010 Adf Parliamentary

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4th February 2010, 04:05pm - Views: 726

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Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Support

Thursday, 4 January 2010


Parliamentary Secretary launches the 2010 Australian

Defence Force Parliamentary Program

The Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Support, the Hon Dr Mike Kelly AM

MP, today launched the 2010 Australian Defence Force Parliamentary

Program (ADFPP). The program allows Senators and Members of Parliament

a unique opportunity to develop a deeper appreciation of the effort it takes to

become a proficient and professional member of the Australian Defence Force


“This year’s ADFPP will be the third that I have launched.  The program is a

really positive aspect of my portfolio responsibilities, and I have received

some excellent feedback about it from my colleagues over the past two

years,” Dr Kelly said.

Senators and Members of Parliament are offered a number of ADF

attachment options, which range from 5-10 days.  Twenty attachment options

are on offer this year, including attachments to five operational areas including

Afghanistan, East Timor and the Solomon Islands.

Other options available include, opportunities to participate in Exercise

KAKADU, a maritime exercise to be conducted with regional defence forces

out of Darwin; to undertake long range patrolling duties of Australia’s north

with members of the North West Mobile Force, which is comprised of soldiers

drawn primarily from indigenous communities; through to spending a week at

the RAAF’s largest operational base at Amberley which will, this year, become

home to the Super Hornet.

“Since it’s inception in 2001 a total of 105 parliamentarians have participated

in the program, last year there were a record 45 participants, including 15

newcomers,” Dr Kelly said.

“This is an important initiative which offers a unique insight into the world of

the ADF, and an opportunity to experience what it’s like to work alongside the

men and women of today’s modern Defence Force” Dr Kelly said.

Media contacts:

Elyse Gatt (Dr Mike Kelly):

02 6277 4840 or 0437 502 246

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664

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