Defence Press Releases & Articles 56 - 60 of 976

Australian Navy Commander Honoured By King Of Tonga starstarstarstarstar   23rd November 2009 - Views: 761 Australian Navy Commander Honoured By King Of Tonga Commander Thompson was presented with the Officer of The Royal Military Order of St George, in recognition of the humanitarian relief effort that the Australian Government, and in particular the Australian Defence Force, has provided in the aftermath of the earthquake and tsunami that struck the Pacific Island region on 30 September this year.

National Parade To Mark The End Of Operation Catalyst starstarstarstarstar   19th November 2009 - Views: 758 National Parade To Mark The End Of Operation Catalyst The parade will mark the conclusion of Operation CATALYST and will recognise the contribution of ADF and Defence personnel to the stabilization and rehabilitation of Iraq.

Launch Of The Cdf Action Plan For The Recruitment And Ret starstarstarstarstar   19th November 2009 - Views: 738 Launch Of The Cdf Action Plan For The Recruitment And Ret The Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science, Mr Greg Combet, and the Chief of the Defence Force, Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston, will today jointly launch a new action plan for the recruitment and retention of women in the Australian Defence Force.

Raaf Jets Take To The Skies For East Coast Exercise starstarstarstarstar   17th November 2009 - Views: 751 Raaf Jets Take To The Skies For East Coast Exercise The exercise began on Monday 16 November 2009 and will run until Friday 4 December, with the majority of flying commencing Monday 23 November.

Progress In Reforming Defence Procurement starstarstarstarstar   13th November 2009 - Views: 735 Progress In Reforming Defence Procurement Greg Combet, Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science, today welcomed further progress in relation to implementing reforms resulting from the 2008 Defence Procurement and Sustainment Review.

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