Hmas Success Inquiry 1

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11th February 2010, 08:14pm - Views: 742

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Issued by Ministerial Support and Public Affairs, Department of Defence, Canberra, ACT

Phone: 02 6127 1999, Fax: 02 6265 1545

MSPA 035/10

Thursday, 11 February 2010

HMAS Success Inquiry

The Chief of the Defence Force, Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston, has today

directed that a fresh inquiry into a range of matters arising from equity and diversity

issues on board HMAS Success be conducted. 

“I have taken this decision following legal advice that the initial administrative

inquiry is flawed due to bias. The flaws were identified during a review of a Redress

of Grievance raised by a sailor involved in the initial inquiry. I am very disappointed

that the inquiry was flawed; however it is imperative that serious matters such as this

are dealt with thoroughly,” said Air Chief Marshal Houston. 

“While I regret the need for a fresh inquiry, I am pleased that the flaws in the initial

inquiry have been identified by internal review processes. We now have an

opportunity to get the inquiry process right. While I remain confident that overall the

Military Justice system is working well, this outcome has reinforced my concern that

aspects of the system need to improve. 

“I intend to appoint a retired senior Judge to undertake the fresh inquiry. His terms of

reference will be comprehensive and include a complete review of the circumstances

surrounding the range of matters arising from the equity and diversity issues on board

HMAS Success. I also propose to offer the Senate Committee the opportunity to be

consulted on the terms of reference for the fresh inquiry.

“I have discussed this initiative with the Minister for Defence who shares my

disappointment and my determination that we get this fresh inquiry, and the process,


“I understand that initiating a fresh inquiry that will require input from all personnel

involved will be unexpected, distressing and protracted. I have not taken this decision

lightly, but given the circumstances, I have no other option.

“The Chief of Navy, Vice Admiral Russ Crane, has given his strong support to the

fresh inquiry,” Air Chief Marshal Houston said.

“Ensuring that my personnel behave appropriately, ashore and at sea, is fundamental

to the cultural reform that I am driving as part of the New Generation Navy program.

Equally important is my commitment to ensuring that all my personnel have access to

a fair, robust and just inquiry system and that they are

supported throughout the

process,” Vice Admiral Russ Crane said.

A further announcement will be made when the framework of the fresh inquiry has

been determined and a senior retired Judge, appointed to lead it, has been confirmed. 

Defence will not comment further on the details of this matter at this time. 

Media contact: Defence Media Liaison: (02) 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664

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