Governments Press Releases & Articles 241 - 245 of 696

Australian Relief Supplies For Png Floods starstarstarstarstar   12th December 2008 - Views: 834 Australian Relief Supplies For Png Floods Minister Stephen Smith advised Papua New Guinea Minister for Foreign Affairs, the Hon. Sam Abal, of this funding in Fiji last night.

Australia Helps Address Violence Against Women In Indonesia starstarstarstarstar   11th December 2008 - Views: 796 Australia Helps Address Violence Against Women In Indonesia “Australia is committed to ensuring men and women benefit equally from development and this grant highlights our ongoing work in partnership with Indonesia to promote gender equality,” Mr McMullan said.

Bar Association Urges The Public To Speak Up In Support Of Human Rights starstarstarstarstar   10th December 2008 - Views: 795 The president of the New South Wales Bar Association, Anna Katzmann SC, haswelcomed the Australian Government's community consultation on ways to protecthuman rights.

Australia Reaffirms Its Commitment To Human Rights starstarstarstarstar   10th December 2008 - Views: 814 Australia Reaffirms Its Commitment To Human Rights On 10 December 1948, Australia was one of 47 original signatories to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. For 60 years Australia has been a leading proponent of the Declaration's consistent and comprehensive implementation.

Australia Provides Food Aid To Sri Lanka starstarstarstarstar   10th December 2008 - Views: 817 Australia Provides Food Aid To Sri Lanka It is essential that Government agencies and international organisations continue to work together to ensure those who flee the fighting are able to get access to essential support in a way that preserves their dignity, their family structures and their human rights.

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