Australia Reaffirms Its Commitment To Human Rights

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10th December 2008, 12:32pm - Views: 815

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  Mr Smith’s Office: Courtney Hoogen 02 6277 7500 or 0488 244901

AusAID Public Affairs 0417 680 590


Stephen Smith MP

Minister for Foreign Affairs

M E D I A  R E L E A S E

AA 08 72                                                                                             10 December 2008


Today, on Human Rights Day and the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,

Australia will contribute $1.5 million to projects promoting human rights in 19 countries across the

Asia-Pacific, Africa and the Middle East. 

On 10 December 1948, Australia was one of 47 original signatories to the Universal Declaration of

Human Rights. For 60 years Australia has been a leading proponent of the Declaration's consistent and

comprehensive implementation.

Australia's commitment to the aims and purposes of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is an

underlying principle of Australia's engagement with the international community.

The Declaration gives global expression to the basic rights and freedoms to which all human beings are

entitled and provides a standard to which all nations can be held to account.

Protection and promotion of the human rights enshrined in the Declaration is vital to global efforts to

achieve lasting peace and security and freedom and dignity for all.

The $1.5m will assist non-government organisations promote good governance, access to justice,

gender equality, disability rights, child protection and combating human trafficking.

Australia has a strong record in the protection and promotion of international human rights.

Through our aid program, the Australian Government is assisting partner Governments to respect,

protect and fulfil their international human rights obligations. 

For further information on the new activities to be funded, see attachment: 

Human Rights Small Grants Scheme: Successful Proposals 2008-09


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Mr Smith’s Office: Courtney Hoogen 02 6277 7500 or 0488 244901

AusAID Public Affairs 0417 680 590


Human Rights Small Grants Scheme 2008-09: Successful Proposals 



Description of Proposal


Help Acid Survivors Rebuild

Their Lives

To empower victims of acid attacks (largely

women and girls) to realise their economic and

social rights. This will be done by providing them

with social and vocational skills training, and job

placements, and will assist them to reintegrate

into society and live a life with dignity. It will also

raise community awareness of acid attacks and

address issues of discrimination of victims.

$150,000 over two years. Acid Survivors



Empowering Disabled

Peoples’ Organisations to

mainstream disability into

development plans in

Kampong Speu and

Kampong Cham provinces

To empower people with disabilities to advocate

for their human rights. People with disabilities are

encouraged to become participants in shaping

seven community development plans to promote

inclusion in Kampong Speu and Kampong Cham

provinces. $69,200 over one year. Handicap



Legal Empowerment and

Aid: Improving Access to

Justice Watchdog Unit

To provide legal consultation to women in Egypt

and raise awareness of women’s legal rights. The

focus will be on data collection, advocacy and

strengthening current mechanisms which support

women’s human rights by lobbying for legal

reforms. $70,481 over one year. Egyptian Center

for Women’s Rights.



Human Rights Training for

Pacific Churches

To provide human rights training and capacity

building for leaders and members of Pacific

Christian Churches. This program will promote

awareness of human rights issues, and will

develop a module of study on human rights in

their Bachelor of Divinity Program.  The project

will cover Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga,

Kiribati, Vanuatu and Fiji. $151,427 over two

years. Pacific Conference of Churches.


Production of Educational

Booklets, and Advocacy on

the Rights of Arrested

Persons in Ghana

To conduct an awareness and advocacy

campaign across five regions of Ghana about the

rights of arrested persons. This campaign will

work to improve the treatment of detainees, raise

awareness among police and the community of

the rights of those in detention, and build capacity

of civil society advocates. $75,762 over one year.

Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative.


Peacebuilding / Coexistence

Initiative in Schools in

Ahmedabad (Gujarat)

To raise awareness and build capacity of

students and teachers in Gujarat, which was the

location of the 2002 communal riots which killed

around 2,000 Muslims. The aim is to promote

social reconciliation, pluralism and harmony. This

will involve training of children on peace and

coexistence, training of teachers in conflict

resolution and peace-building, and will establish

46 ‘peace clubs’ in schools across Gujarat.

$41,845 over one year. Samerth Charitable

support services to victims. $144,100 over two years. Rural Womens Development Society.

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Mr Smith’s Office: Courtney Hoogen 02 6277 7500 or 0488 244901

AusAID Public Affairs 0417 680 590



Description of Proposal



Strengthening the Capacity

of the Islamic Local Leaders

on Gender Equality and

Human Rights in Jombang,

Lamongan, and Kediri, East


To build capacity of Islamic local leaders. This

program will focus on gender equality and human

rights. It will also focus on strengthening  the civil

society networks dealing with these issues in

Muslim communities. $70,000 over one year.

Rahima Foundation, Centre for Education and

Information on Islam and Women’s Rights



The Jordanian Parties and

Human Rights

To enhance human rights skills and their value in

the working of the Jordanian political parties. This

will be done by conducting a study of the extent

to which Jordanian parties have adopted human

rights principles into their programs and activities.

$45,034 over one year. National Centre for

Human Rights.


Towards the Full Recognition

of the Rights of People with


To build the capacity of disability associations

and key institutional players. These groups will

advocate for the implementation of the

Convention on the Rights of Persons with

Disabilities into national policy.  This program

aims to achieve recognition of equality of people

with disabilities, and to better include them in

economic and social life. It also aims to put in

place a data collection system to monitor

violations of the rights of people with disabilities

and disseminate a report on these findings.

$69,555 over one year. Handicap International.


‘I Choose to Know My

Rights’: Strengthening

Democracy in the Maldives

through Human Rights


To undertake a human rights awareness and

civic education program. The main goal of this

program is to provide Maldivian citizens,

especially youth and rural communities, with the

knowledge required for positive engagement in

the country’s emergent democracy. $70,488 over

one year. Transparency Maldives.


Hands Up for Your Rights: a

youth empowerment project

To empower youth in Mongolia. This program

aims to educate young people about human

rights, democracy and gender equality. It will also

support human rights training of youth by youth,

and will raise community awareness of their civil

and political rights. $73,510 over one year.

National Network of Mongolian Women’s NGOs.



Promoting the Protection of

Women’s Rights by Building

on the Resilience of

Communities Towards

Gender Based Violence

To raise the awareness of village councillors,

women, and rural communities and to promote

gender sensitivity. The focus of this program is

on improving and centralising record keeping of

women’s rights abuses for strengthening

evidence-based advocacy. It also focuses on

increasing access to justice and psychosocial

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Mr Smith’s Office: Courtney Hoogen 02 6277 7500 or 0488 244901

AusAID Public Affairs 0417 680 590



Description of Proposal

support services to victims. $144,100 over two

years. Rural Women’s Development Society.

Papua New


Peace Initiatives in Tambu /

Nebilyer, Western Highlands


To empower major communities in the Tambul /

Nebilyer district. This program aims to improve

their lives through developing conflict resolution

skills and strategies which improve local

decision-making and reduce crime. $65,670 over

one year. Peace Foundation Melanesia Inc. 


Promoting Independent,

Impartial and Effective

Investigation of Human

Rights Violations

To build the capacity of investigators and medical

doctors in the Commission on Human Rights.

This program will work to monitor and report on

human rights violations, in particular, extra-

judicial killings and enforced disappearances.

$69,995 over one year. The Asia Foundation.



Community Land Rights

Awareness Project

To protect the social and economic rights of

people living on Gizo Island (Western Province,

Solomon Islands). These people have been

displaced as a result of the April 2007 tsunami.

The program will increase victims’ awareness of

their rights, as well as increase women’s

participation in decision-making on land rights

issues. $75,000 over one year. Oxfam

International, Gizo.


Promoting the

Implementation of the

Convention of the Rights of

Persons with Disabilities

through Training and

Awareness Raising

To raise awareness of the Convention on the

Rights of Persons with Disabilities. This will be

promoted primarily to people with disability,

government agencies, donors, media and the

community. The program will translate the

Convention into Bislama, and will develop a

pictorial version. It will also assist the Shefa

Provincial Council to advance persons with a

disability in the province. $63,000 over one year.

Disability Promotion and Advocacy Authority.


On the defense: protecting

the rights of children in

conflict with the law

To protect the rights of children in direct conflict

with law enforcement agencies. This program will

work with the police to create a ‘good practice’

model of detaining, questioning, and protecting

these children. It will also train police, social

workers, and local government officials to

promote their rights. $60,000 over one year. Blue

Dragon Children’s Foundation. 

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