Australia Provides Food Aid To Sri Lanka

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10th December 2008, 12:09pm - Views: 818

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  Mr Smith’s Office: Courtney Hoogen 02 6277 7500 or 0488 244 901

AusAID Public Affairs 0417 680 590


Stephen Smith MP

Minister for Foreign Affairs

M E D I A  R E L E A S E

AA 08 71                                                                                             10 December 2008


Australia will contribute $4 million of food aid to conflict-affected communities in Sri Lanka through

the World Food Programme (WFP).  

Australia’s contribution will provide almost 5,000 metric tonnes of rice, pulses, sugar, corn soya blend

and vegetable oil to communities in the north and east.  This includes about 230,000 internally

displaced people in the northern Vanni region of Sri Lanka.  

Since September, the WFP has regularly been delivering food aid by a special convoy of trucks to

internally displaced people in the Vanni region. 

This has been because the Government of Sri Lanka directed the United Nations to withdraw from the

area as it could not guarantee the safety of international and non-resident staff.   

The Australian Government remains deeply concerned about the ongoing violence in Sri Lanka and the

worsening humanitarian situation.

It is essential that Government agencies and international organisations continue to work together to

ensure those who flee the fighting are able to get access to essential support in a way that preserves

their dignity, their family structures and their human rights.

The Australian Government again calls on all sides of the conflict to heed international humanitarian

law and allow civilians, including aid workers, to move freely in areas under their control.

Australia’s view remains that Sri Lanka’s conflict cannot be resolved through military means alone. All

parties must work towards a political solution that meets the legitimate aspirations of all Sri Lankans.

The Australian Government will continue to encourage the Government of Sri Lanka to ensure all

citizens are afforded their fundamental rights and are able to participate fully in Sri Lankan society. 

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