Defence Press Releases & Articles 431 - 435 of 976

Renewal At Hmas Cairns starstarstarstarstar   16th June 2008 - Views: 882 Renewal At Hmas Cairns HMAS Cairns commenced operating on its current Draper Street site in 1982. The opening and naming of the new Command Building is a significant milestone in the ongoing Redevelopment project due for completion in March 2009.

Update To Injured Soldier Condition starstarstarstarstar   10th June 2008 - Views: 865 Update To Injured Soldier Condition The Australian soldier injured in a vehicle fire last week in Afghanistan has returned to Australia for additional medical treatment.

Aloha Rimpac starstarstarstarstar   10th June 2008 - Views: 860 Aloha Rimpac This year marks the 21 st iteration of the biennial RIMPAC series; with Tobruk joining HMA Ships Anzac and Success, the Collins class submarine HMAS Waller, two embarked Navy helicopters, Clearance Diving Team Four and Fleet Battle Staff.

Employers To Gain Military Experience On Nt Exercise starstarstarstarstar   8th June 2008 - Views: 871 Employers To Gain Military Experience On Nt Exercise Pitch Black is a regular Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) exercise, held every two years in the Northern Territory. From 6-27 June, up to 3000 service men and women from Australia and nations including the United States, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and France will support the Exercise. During the Exercise ground crews and air crews will be operating some of the most sophisticated military systems in the world.

Navy And University Of Wollongong To Collaborate On Retaining Corporate Knowledge starstarstarstarstar   7th June 2008 - Views: 831 Navy And University Of Wollongong To Collaborate On Retaining Corporate Knowledge Why: Due to the changing demographic of the Australian workforce, the findings of this research into Navy’s maritime engineering community will have wider application across the Australian Defence Force, Public Service and the business community.

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