Update To Injured Soldier Condition

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10th June 2008, 06:39pm - Views: 867

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Issued by Coordination and Public Affairs, Department of Defence, Canberra, ACT

Phone: 02 6265 3343, Fax: 02 62656946

CPA 170/08

Tuesday, 10 June 2008


The Australian soldier injured in a vehicle fire last week in Afghanistan has returned

to Australia for additional medical treatment.

The soldier was serving with the Reconstruction Task Force near Tarin Kowt and was

injured in an accident on Tuesday 3 June.

The soldier suffered the effects of smoke inhalation while attempting to extinguish a

fire in a Bushmaster vehicle.

The soldier has returned for additional specialist medical assessment and treatment at

the Army’s Holsworthy military hospital.

He remains in a satisfactory condition. 

At the family’s request, Defence will not be releasing further details about the soldier

nor is he available for interview. 

Information on the ADF’s commitment to Afghanistan can be found at

Media contact: Defence Media Liaison (02) 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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