Us Secretary Of Defense Robert Gates Welcomed To Australia
7th November 2010 -
Views: 909
Together with Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd and US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Secretary Gates and I will participate in AUSMIN tomorrow, Monday 8 November, at Government House in Melbourne.
Minister For Defence: Joint Press Conference With Wa Premier Colin Barnett
6th November 2010 -
Views: 835
The main CHOGM event will be held in the Convention Centre. Use will also be made of
Government House and most likely of Kings Park and all of those issues are at the moment
being finalised.
Special Forces Soldier Wounded In Action
6th November 2010 -
Views: 889
An Australian soldier with the Special Operations Task Group has suffered delayed
concussion caused by the blast of an Improvised Explosive Device (IED), which
detonated close to him and other soldiers while on operations in Northern Kandahar
province, Afghanistan.
Army Redeploys After Successful Training Exercise
5th November 2010 -
Views: 816
After a highly successful Exercise Hamel held west of Townsville, in North Queensland, Army transports are again moving freight, equipment and personnel back to their home locations.
Chief Of The Defence Force Conference - Counterinsurgency And Stabilisation
2nd November 2010 -
Views: 860
“In Afghanistan, our aim is to prevent that nation from again being used by terrorists to plan, prepare and train to undertake attacks against Australians.