Police Appeal Taufahema Decision

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18th December 2009, 09:16am - Views: 1510



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18 December 2009

Police appeal Taufahema decision

Police have today called for the decision to allow one of the men jailed for the

manslaughter of Senior Constable Glenn McEnalley to stay in Australia to be


The Administrative Appeals Tribunal decided not to cancel Motekiai

Taufahema’s visa on the 23rd of November. 

Police Association of NSW Vice President Scott Weber said the decision has

angered police and the wider community. 

“It’s critical this decision is overturned immediately,” Mr Weber said. 

“This bloke has been convicted of killing an on duty police officer. Surely

common sense has to prevail in instances like this. 

“In March 2012 he could be back on our streets. The government owes it not only

the country’s police, but to the Australian community, to ensure that does not


“In this case the criminal justice system has failed Glenn McEnallay, his family,

the community and all the brave police officers who put their lives on the line


“This man has spent 12 of his 21 years in Australia behind bars and committed

one of the most heinous acts possible. We can’t have people like this wandering

our streets. 

“The decision needs to be reversed, there’s no doubt about that. The government

now has an opportunity to rectify this serious mistake.”

Media contact: 

Scott Weber, 0401 709 342

Alana Mew, 0423 377 567

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