Briefing On Aquasure Memorandum Of Understanding

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10th December 2009, 09:03pm - Views: 1331

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10 December 2009

Briefing on Aquasure Memorandum of Understanding 


briefing on the Memorandum of Understanding between Victoria Police, the

Department of Sustainability and Environment and Aquasure took place today. The

briefing was attended by representatives of Victoria Police, the Department of

Sustainability and Environment, the Commissioner for Law Enforcement Data Security,

the Office of Police Integrity, the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights

Commission and the Victorian Privacy Commissioner.

Victoria Police and the Department of Sustainability and Environment gave assurances

that no information had been exchanged with Aquasure under the Memorandum of

Understanding and that the intention of the parties was that any information sharing

should be in accordance with privacy laws.  Both agencies envisaged that any exchange

of personal information would be limited to that necessary for the prosecution of any

criminal offence or if, the view of Victoria Police, there was a serious risk to public

safety. An exchange for these purposes would be permitted under the Information

Privacy Act 2000.

The Department of Sustainability and Environment has agreed to provide further

information to clarify whether Aquasure is subject to state or federal privacy laws.

The Commissioner for Law Enforcement Data Security (CLEDS) has received a

reference from the Minister for Police and Emergency Services under S 11(1)(e) of the

Commissioner for Law Enforcement Data Security Act 2005 to examine the MOU in

question and to review whether it appropriately reflects the CLEDS Standards for law

enforcement data security and whether appropriate compliance, controls and

arrangements have been put in place. Part of that review will involve determining what, if

any, information has been shared under the MOU. The Commissioner commenced the

review today. The Privacy Commissioner will await the findings of the CLEDS review to

ascertain whether further action is required under the Information Privacy Act

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