Mr140-10:new Rules Proposed For Better Location Info On Triple Zero Mobile Calls

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28th October 2010, 01:56pm - Views: 14671

ACMA Media Release

140 /2010

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28 October 2010

ACMA proposes new rules to require enhanced

location information for Triple Zero mobile calls 

The Australian Communications and Media Authority is seeking comment on

proposed amendments to the Emergency Call Service Determination to improve the

provision to emergency service organisations of location information from calls

made to Triple Zero from mobiles.

‘Locating callers quickly in times of need is obviously a crucial element of the Triple

Zero emergency call service,’ said ACMA Chairman, Chris Chapman. ‘In proposing

amendments to the Determination, the ACMA wants emergency service

organisations to have access to the most precise location information that the

mobile networks have available and to benefit from developments in the location-

based services offered by the mobile carriers.

‘The new rules would apply in all situations where a Triple Zero caller is unable to

report their location from a mobile phone—24/7.’

Mobile phones now account for around 63 per cent of calls made to Triple Zero.

Unlike landline phones, and contrary to urban myth, emergency calls from mobile

phones do not automatically give emergency operators accurate details about a

caller’s whereabouts. 

This is not an issue for the vast majority of mobile calls made to Triple Zero

because, in most cases, the caller can tell the emergency operator where they are

located. But there are times—estimated to be less than one per cent of the calls—

where people are too distressed or unfamiliar with their environment to report their

location. It is in such instances where access to enhanced location information will

clearly assist emergency service organisations locate callers.

Key changes proposed include new requirements on mobile carriers to:

provide the most precise location information they have available on request

from an emergency service organisation and, as a minimum, the reception

or coverage areas of the radio cell from which the emergency call originates

resolve emergency call location queries with the highest possible priority

and without delay

ensure emergency service organisations are provided with a designated

contact point and telephone number for location queries, or have a specified

process for location queries

assist an emergency service organisation to identify the relevant mobile

network carrying the emergency call.

ACMA Media Release

140 /2010

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The ACMA views this work as an important step in continuing to improve the

delivery of mobile location information to enhance the emergency call service, and

is calling for public comment before finalising the proposed amendments. The

closing date for submissions is Friday 3 December, 2010.

It follows the ACMA’s consideration of submissions to its May 2010 consultation

paper on improving the provision to emergency service organisations of location

information from mobile calls made to Triple Zero. 

The ACMA is also continuing to explore with industry and emergency services

organisations the potential provision of enhanced mobile location with every

emergency call.

The draft Amending Determination and consultation paper are available from the

ACMA’s website.

The ACMA regulates and monitors the provision of the Emergency Call Services

under Part 8 of the Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and Service

Standards) Act 1999. Further information about its role with Emergency Call

Services can be found here.

For more information or to arrange an interview please contact: Donald

Robertson, Media Manager, on (02) 9334 7980, 0418 86 1766 or

The ACMA is Australia’s regulator for broadcasting, the internet, radiocommunications and

telecommunications. The ACMA’s strategic intent is to make communications and media work in

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