What Can You Do To Maximise Your Tax Position This Financial Year

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9th June 2008, 09:01am - Views: 1180

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8th June 2008

What can you do to maximise your tax position for this

financial year

There are a number of things taxpayers can do to improve this year’s tax position, the

list below details those things. The action must be taken prior to the 30th June 2008.

Individual/Non Business Taxpayers


Defer Income where Possible

       If you are due a end of year bonus, with the large tax cuts due 1st July, 

       it is certainly worthwhile deferring these bonuses, if possible, to the

       next financial year.


Review your records, do you have the necessary receipts and records to

maximise the tax deductions you are entitled to


a. Motor Vehicle expenses


- If you travel more than 5000 kilometres in the tax year you 

               need to keep a log book to maximise your claim. This needs to be 

               kept for a minimum of  90 days.

-  If you travel less than 5000 kilometres you can use the cents per 

                kilometre method of claim, you just need to ensure you have records 

                to estimate the number of kilometres you have travelled


b.  Home Office Expenses

   Ensure that if you have the necessary records to enable claims for these 

   expenses. Business/Private logs for Computers, Home Phone, Mobile Phone, 

   time spent in the home office for work related activities.

         c. Other Work Related Expenses

   Make sure you have the receipts and invoices for any purchases you have 

               made, details of professional association expenses and Union memberships. 

              Tools and equipment purchases that you have used for work. Professional 

              subscriptions are also deductible.

        d. Medical Expenses

If you or you family members need to have some medical work or procedure

done, it is worthwhile trying to bunch them to one financial year as you are 

entitled to a rebate of  20c in the dollar for every dollar spent over $1500. 

   e. Self Education Expenses

       If you have undertaken any self education that helps you do your current job you 

       are entitled to claim a tax deduction for those expenses. Fees ( other than

       HECS), books stationary travel are all deductible, you juts need to ensure you 

        have the records to substantiate the claims

2. Superannuation 

        a. Contributions on behalf of spouse

             This is subject to income limit of $13,800 but a rebate of $540 is available to      

             those that Qualify. A full rebate will apply if the taxable income of the spouse 

             is below  $10,801 and it is reduced and cuts out at a taxable income of $13,800

b. Co Contribution  


If you have taxable income below  $28,980 you can make a contribution up 

     to $1500 a year and the Government will match that contribution, with a 



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     payment to your super fund. The amount of the Government contribution 

     cuts out at $59,800

c. Consider Salary Sacrificing some of your salary into super

     This is a very tax effective way of maximising your retirement income.


3. Offset capital gains against capital losses

      If you have a capital gain in this financial year, look to your other investments to 


see if it is worthwhile to realise a Capital loss, to offset the Capital gain.

      4. Make any Tax Deductible donations

     Prepayment rules do not apply to these deductions

5. Salary packaging

      If your employer will allow, see if you can salary sacrifice some of your income, such 

      as superannuation, Motor Care, particularly if you are earning on the top tax rate

6Maximise medical expenses

     If you or you family members need to have some medical work or procedure done, it 

     is worthwhile trying to bunch them to one financial year as you are entitled to a 

    rebate of  20c in the dollar for every dollar spent over $1500. 

Small Business Owners

1. Defer Income

    To utilise this strategy of delaying income, you need to check what income you are 

    Likely to receive in the last quarter, and if appropriate delay that income to the 

    next financial year. 


    The tax cuts that commence the 1st July make this a more attractive option

2. Accelerate deductions

Carry out any repairs to equipment and premises prior to June 30


Prepay expenses, where allowable

Write off bad debts 

Manage your Trading Stock

Do an advanced purchase of business consumerables

Make any Tax Deductible donations

Income Protection

3.  Superannuation 

Superannuation deduction for self employed business people 

Contributions on behalf of spouse

Co Contribution  

4. Offset capital gains against capital losses

      If you have a capital gain in this financial year, look to your other investments 

      to see if it is worthwhile to realise a Capital loss, to offset the gain against.

5. Review Asset register to scrap/dispose of unused assets

     Review your asset register for any assets  that are obsolete and no longer used 

     in the business and dispose of them or scrap them. This will give rise to a 

     balancing adjustment and a deprecation claim

6.  Other matters to consider for the end of the financial year


            a.  You must do a Stock take any trading stock  you have as at the 

                 30th June,  these should be listed with a total value calculation.

b.  Prepare a Debtors list as at the 30th June for those business, who use 

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H&R BLOCK the best people in tax. That’s our claim.


the accruals accounting  method.


       c.   Prepare a Creditors Debtors list as at the 30th June for those business, 


who use the accruals accounting  method

       d.   Manage the shareholder loan account for Companies


             e.   Plan to prepare the Pay As You Go Annual Statements for your staff to 

                    be Issued  in early July


           f.   Ensure all your BAS’s have been lodged for the financial year.

             Large penalties can apply for non lodgement of BAS’s. They start from 

              $110 for  every 28 days, maximum of $550 in one year, for each BAS 

              not  lodged and can be as much as $550 per 28 days depending on the 

              size of the business

For Further information Contact  

Frank Brass    (03) 93881611  0414183207    fbrass@hrblock.com.au

About H&R Block

H&R Block is the largest lodger of tax returns in Australia, through a network of over

360 Company Owned and Franchised offices though out Australia.

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