Tax Deductions At Risk

< BACK TO TAXATION starstarstarstarstar   Government - Taxation Press Release
15th April 2009, 07:09pm - Views: 1252

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H&R Block is the largest lodger of tax returns in Australia, through a network of 365 Company Owned and

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Tax Deductions are at Risk!

Taxpayers could lose $13 Billion in tax deductions

H&R Block, the largest lodger of tax returns in Australia, is very concerned that taxpayers may lose

up to $13 billion in tax deductions as part of the tax & transfer review currently being undertaken by


“Taxpayers who incur expenses in doing their job MUST be able to claim these costs as a tax

deduction to ensure equity with those Employees who have the items supplied by their Employer”,

says Frank Brass, Regional Director from H&R Block.

“Taxpayers rely on their annual tax refund as a means of savings and are very adamant they want

to keep this refund.”

“One of the guiding principles of the review is equity, and tax deductions are part of the equity of

the Australian Tax System.”

Ken Henry, chair of the review, recently stated, on several occasions that “the annual pain of filling

in a tax return maybe a thing of the past”. 

“Australian Taxpayers like their tax deductions and annual tax refund” Michael D’Ascenzo, Tax

Commissioner was quoted recently. 

The latest tax office statistics issued show 5,836,460 taxpayers claim work related expenses of

$13,007,638,164 an average of $2,222.67 per taxpayer.

For Further information.

Contact   Frank Brass Phone (03) 9388 1611  Mobile 0414 183 207


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