Would God Approve - Bradfield By-election2009

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13th November 2009, 05:53pm - Views: 1113

Media Release: Bradfield By-election – 13 November 2009 – 4Change


The nomination by 9 Christian Democrats for the Bradfield by-election shows the

contempt their Party’s leaders have for the political process. 22 candidates have been

nominated for the December 5 by-election.

It is bad enough that the Labor party has turned its back on the people of Bradfield. Now

we have the Christian Democrats turning the electoral process into a circus. The

precedent they have now set could grind the political process to a stand-still come

election time. 

If all electorates and all political parties played the same game it would take months for a

result to be declared. The Government should move quickly to take the necessary steps to

change the Electoral Act to stop such a farce happening again. The Act should limit the

number of candidates from any one political party. 

Deborah Burt, 4Change’s candidate for the Bradfield by-election said “Yes major parties

do put up the odd dummy candidate but I would expect this stunt by the Christian

Democrats leaves that practice for dead.

I suggest the Christian Democrat hierarchy look seriously at the 3rd Commandment - You

shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God (Exodus 20:2-17 )”

4Change is putting forward changes to the way politics is done in our country this is

certainly not one of them.      

We believe:

There needs to be a new approach to the political process - shifting the culture from

special interests to broader community engagement and increased participation.

In selecting ethical, competent representatives who have a track record in dealing with

complex problems and who by their integrity and experience will help bring clarity to the

political process .

A party should really listens to its electorate and allows its elected members to vote

according to conscience rather than following party dictates at all times i.e. a real

democratic process within the parliament.

In engaging with more and diverse sections of the community. Listening closely while

working to understand the issues and the options. Developing approaches to solving

problems that lead to better results.

In restricted number of terms for Members of Parliament to attract candidates motivated

not by career politics but by genuine belief and civic duty.

In providing public funding for election campaigns so that parties are not indebted to

their big funders.

In making sustainability the guiding principle for all decision-making, bringing policy

and legislative change grounded in balancing the needs of the economy, environment and


Deborah Burt is President of 4Change and will represent the Party in the Bradfield by-

election on 5 December 2009.

For further information contact Deborah Burt – phone 0427 699737

www.4change.org,au – for CCC Inc

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