Workers Come To Canberra To Tell Mp's: What Ir Laws Mean To Us

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28th August 2008, 08:03am - Views: 1313

                                         LHMU National Office

                                                   MEDIA RELEASE 

28 August 2008

Workers come to Canberra to tell MP’s:

what IR laws mean to us

Members of one of Australia’s largest unions, the LHMU, are meeting with Ministers and

Members of Parliament today to talk about the dismantling of WorkChoices legislation.

“Delegates representing workers from across Australia will go to Parliament House today

to talk with Parliamentarians about the coming changes to industrial relations laws,” says

Louise Tarrant, LHMU National Secretary.

“The 2008 LHMU National Council is being held in Canberra this week to give delegates a

chance to let politicians know about workers’ priorities for Australia’s new industrial

relations legislation.

“We’re excited to be in Canberra to talk with the Government which is so committed to

restoring fairness to all Australians no matter where they work.  

“We want to make sure that the very basic rights that workers need - rights like being able

to join a union, bargain collectively and participate in debates about their workplaces and

industries – are front and centre of the new legislation.  

“We also sought to meet with a number of Liberal Party members. We’re disappointed that

none have made themselves available,” says Louise Tarrant.

Delegates to the LHMU National Conference represent workers in diverse industries

across Australia including childcare, hospitality, health and aged care, property services

(including cleaning and security) and manufacturing. Many are low paid and many come

from non-English speaking backgrounds. 60% of the Union’s members are women. These

workers’ lives continue to be profoundly affected by WorkChoices.

Contact:       Nada Vlatko 0425 242 691

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