What's The Rush Mr Rudd

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12th November 2009, 09:36am - Views: 1207

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What’s the rush Mr Rudd?

Show Australia you’re really up for change


“Mr Rudd’s rush to have his Emission Trading Scheme in place before

Copenhagen makes no sense if he is fair dinkum about climate change”, said

Deborah Burt, 4change candidate for the Bradfield by-election.

The 4change party, who have changed their name from the former Climate

Change Coalition party, are contesting the Bradfield by-election under their

new banner of political change and sustainability, for the first time. 


Barnaby Joyce, the National Party Senator from Queensland, has got it right

when he says “No” to a carbon ETS - but for all the wrong reasons. Yes, a

carbon ETS is wrong for Australia, but a carbon tax which provides a

guaranteed price signal for entrepreneurs and will redirect market activity is

the right way to go because it will create thousands of jobs.


Labor is only giving our elected representatives one choice – he has selected

a carbon reduction plan, an ETS that has never worked before. 

“Experts from the European Union such as Dr Chris Hope, where they have

had a few years to sort things out, say that the ETS approach is deeply

flawed”, says Deborah. “Why is it that Labor and the Liberals are so intent to

purse some “hotch potch” negotiated outcome when it doesn’t work anywhere


4change supports a carbon scheme that has been proven to work to reduce

carbon emissions and create jobs - and that is a carbon tax. 

Sweden introduced such a scheme in 1991. By 2009, carbon emissions in

Sweden have reduced by 9% and economic growth has risen by 48%. “Worth

a look, Mr Rudd and Mr Turnbull, don’t you think”, says Deborah. 

4change highlights that the Federal Government runs advertising campaigns,

at public expense, to educate voters about binge drinking and drugs, but why

not for one of the most confusing issue currently facing the Australian public,

that of an ETS versus a carbon tax? Why is the Government keeping voters in

the dark about this most important debate? 

4change believes that it is irresponsible not to provide education to inform the

community on this issue. “Engagement of the local communities is a

fundamental principal of 4change”, says Deborah, “and on this front, the

Government has failed”. 

Research shows that Australians are worried about what the impact of an

Emission Trading Scheme may have on jobs. Research has demonstrated

time and time again - switching from fossil fuel industries to renewable and

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green industries will in fact create more jobs.

4change believes that the simplest, most effective, efficient way to get a

renewable energy business started in Australia, which will in turn lead to more

jobs than currently exist in the minerals industry, is via a carbon pollution tax.

Mr Rudd, great leaders admit their mistakes, and yes Mr Rudd, it’s not too late

to admit your mistake and propose a Carbon Tax - a tax most Australians

would be happy to pay for, if it would provide a greater number of clean jobs

and at the same time make the world a better place.

“Mr Rudd, show Australia that you’re really up for change…that will make a

sustainable difference to Australia”, says Deborah Burt, 4change. 

For further information contact Deborah Burt – tel: 0427 699 737

www.4change.org.au - for CCC Inc

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