Qld Family First Candidate Slams Gillard Reaction To Abbott Virginity Comments

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28th January 2010, 11:03am - Views: 1383

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From the Office of the Queensland Senate Candidate for Family First, Wendy Francis

Media Release

28th Jan 2010

QLD Family First senate candidate slams

Gillard reaction to Abbott virginity


Advising children not to take sex lightly is responsible parenting and politicians who have reacted

politically to comments by Federal Opposition Leader Tony Abbott are playing with lives, says Family

First’s Senate Candidate for Queensland Wendy Francis.

“I and every other parent in Australia have a moral and parental responsibility to tell our children

that casual sex carries risk from both a health and emotional perspective”, Francis said. “That’s all

Abbott said and few parents would disagree”.

“I am not here to defend Tony Abbott. I am here to defend the future of our nation’s youth and to

urge our political leaders to stop playing politics with issues as important as casual sex”, she


Francis said that Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard should be supporting the opposition leader

instead of insinuating that it is wrong and old-fashioned for a parent to give their children sound


“Being responsible is not old-fashioned. Suggesting that casual sex should not be taken lightly is not

old-fashioned. Stopping kids from getting sexually transmitted diseases is not old fashioned.

Reducing abortions and unwanted pregnancies is not old-fashioned. Suggesting that people don’t

sleep around and give their body to anyone on a whim is not old-fashioned”, Francis said, taking aim

at not only Gillard but Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, who declined to comment at all.

Francis said the nation expects better of their political leaders. “Strong families are the foundation of

a strong society. “Ultimately people have the right to do whatever they like as long as it is lawful, but

as a society we are also obligated to provide wise advice to our children and instil values in them

that will help protect them”. 

Wendy Francis is available for an interview today. To arrange please contact Lyall Mercer (Media

Representative) on 0413-749-830

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