Media Release Sunday 22 November 2009
The Liberal Candidate for the upcoming Bradfield by-election received the empty
chair treatment at Friday nights Australian Youth Climate Coalition Forum.
After agreeing to attend he fails to show its the first sign that things are not going
to plan for the Liberals in Bradfield, said Deborah Burt, the *Climate Change
Coalition Candidate (CCC) for the Bradfield by-election
Interestingly, Paul Fletcher had been asked a barrage of question on the Emissions
Trading Scheme at a Community Form in Chatswood on Wednesday night. His
standard answer to all questions then was I support Malcolm Turnbull on this issue.
Has the Liberal Candidate changed his mind and now supports his leader
in the Senate, Nick Minchin?
It appears that the Liberal Party is just as confused about the ETS as
are many Australians.
Like 50% of the Federal Coalition, we are opposed to the ETS says Deborah, but
for totally different reasons.
The *CCC believes that to practically and immediately reduce carbon in the
atmosphere, a carbon tax (as against a flawed emission trading scheme)will provide
certainty and a guaranteed price for both business and consumers. This will redirect
market activity away from high carbon outputs and create thousands of jobs in new
technologies and renewable energies, said Deborah.
The only choice Kevin Rudd and Malcolm Turnbull are giving Australia is an ETS that
has never worked before.
Experts from the European Union such as Dr Chris Hope, say that the ETS approach
is deeply flawed.
Why is it that Labor and the Liberals are so intent to pursue some hotch potch
negotiated outcome when it hasnt worked anywhere else?
*CCC supports a carbon scheme that has been proven to reduce carbon emissions
and create jobs - and that is a carbon tax.
Sweden introduced such a scheme in 1991. Today, carbon emissions in
Sweden have reduced by 9% and economic growth has risen by 48%. Worth
a look, Mr Rudd and Mr Turnbull, dont you think? says Deborah.
Research shows that Australians are worried about the impact an Emission Trading
Scheme may have on jobs. Research shows time and time again - switching from
fossil fuel industries to renewable and green industries will in fact create thousands
more jobs.
We believe that the simplest, most effectiveand efficient way to get a renewable
energy business started in Australia, which will in turn lead to more jobs than currently
exist in the minerals industry, is via a carbon pollution tax.
For further information contact Deborah Burt 02 9876 4509 0402 828 835
*Application has been made at the Australian Electoral Commission to change the name of Climate
Change Coalition to 4Change. The name change was not finalised prior to the calling of the Bradfield
by- election. Our candidate will be running as a member of the Climate Change Coalition.