Getting The Results Of The Bradfield By-election

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2nd December 2009, 05:00am - Views: 1200

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Media contacts

Keith Eaton

Manager Operations & Public Awareness, NSW State Office

Phone: (02) 9375 6312 • Mobile: 0412 269 720


December 2009

Getting the results of the Bradfield by-election 

Timely and comprehensive election results for the Bradfield by-election will be available on

election night via the Virtual Tally Room (VTR) on the Australian Electoral Commission

Results will be available after 6pm on election night, Saturday, 5 December 2009 and

updates will take place throughout the night. The VTR for the Bradfield by-election will

operate until all results are finalised. 


What results are available on election night?

The majority of electors cast an ‘ordinary’ vote – that is a vote cast on election day at a

polling place within the electorate for which the elector is enrolled.

On election night only ordinary votes are counted and the results will be available as first

preferences and as a two-candidate-preferred (TCP) count on the VTR.

What results are available after election day?

There are a number of electors who cast what is known as a declaration vote and these are

counted after election night. They consist of the following types of votes at by-elections:

Postal vote – a vote cast by mail before election day by an elector – an elector needs to

apply for a postal vote on a postal vote application form 

Early vote – a vote cast in person before election day at AEC divisional offices or early

voting centres 

Provisional vote – a vote cast on election day by an elector who believes he or she

should be on the roll but whose name could not be found on the roll in the polling place. 

A fresh count of ordinary votes is also done in the week following the by-election to ensure

accuracy of the election night count.

The counting of postal votes is an ongoing process as legislation requires that the AEC wait

for up to 13 days after election day for postal votes. Postal votes are counted if they are

postmarked before 6pm on election day and are received within 13 days of election day. 

For further information visit the AEC website at or call 13 23 26.

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