Extra Out-of-home Care Dollars A Great Start: Acwa

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11th November 2008, 06:05pm - Views: 1352

Government Political The Association Of Chidlren's Welfare Agencies 2 image


NOVEMBER 11, 2008

Extra out-of-home care dollars a great start  

The Association of Children’s Welfare Agencies (ACWA) has welcomed a $40 million funding

boost to the State’s out-of home care system, announced in today’s mini-budget.

CEO Andrew McCallum has commended the NSW Government for raising its level of support

to children and young people in care but says he would like to see further investment into

initiatives that will help reduce numbers entering the system.   

“Today’s funding commitment comes at a time when the amount of children entering the out-

of-home care system is on the rise and we would like to see additional resources directed into

early intervention and prevention initiatives that will provide struggling families the kind of

support they need, long before their children need to be removed from their homes,” he said.

Mr McCallum said he hopes the Government’s new spending plan also incorporates

significant dollars to support a desperately-needed overhaul of the State’s child protection


“The sector is awaiting the outcomes of the Wood Inquiry with the greatest of anticipation,” he


“It would come as a bitter blow if, after such a lengthy and detailed examination, there were

no funds to pursue Commissioner Wood’s recommended changes.”    

The Association of Children's Welfare Agencies is the New South Wales peak  

body representing non-government organisations providing services to  

vulnerable children, young people and their families. The organisation has been

operating for 50 years and has more than 100 members. 


For interviews please contact:

Andrew McCallum, CEO

Mob: 0409 221 414    E: andrew@acwa.asn.au

For all other media enquiries please contact:

Libby McCalman, Communications Officer

Mob: 0418 659 525    E: libby@acwa.asn.au

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