Eureka Flag At The Ldp National Conference

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14th January 2010, 11:23am - Views: 1601

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PO Box 773, DICKSON 

ACT 2602 


Eureka flag to be launched by Liberal Democratic Party.

Liberal Democratic Party press release

14 January 2010

The Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) has chosen to adopt the Eureka flag as a strongly identifiable

Australian symbol of the fight for civil liberties, democratic process and against excessive government


In announcing the decision, LDP President, Mr. Peter Whelan said, “The rebellion at the Eureka

Stockade in Ballarat, Victoria in 1854 was significant in the early history of Australia.  It was a protest

against taxation and Government oppression as well as being a fight for democratic representation.

Those are all issues of key concern to the LDP and are just as relevant today as back in the 1800s.”

Mr. Whelan continued, “The rebellion was brought about by grievances over heavily priced mining

supplies, the expense of a miner’s licence and the overbearing actions of the government and its

agents, the police and military. While the events that sparked the rebellion were specific to the Ballarat

gold fields, the underlying grievances had been the subject of public meetings, civil disobedience and

deputations across the various Victorian gold fields for almost three years.”

Mr. Whelan emphasised that in a free and democratic society, public protests are sometimes necessary. 

“Although it ended swiftly and violently, the Eureka rebellion was a watershed event in Australian

political activism. The preceding three years of agitation for the miners' demands, combined with mass

public support in Melbourne for the captured 'rebels' when they were placed on trial, resulted in the

introduction of full male suffrage for elections for the lower house in the Victorian parliament.”

“Public support for these demands extended well beyond the goldfields, resulting in Eureka being

identified with the birth of democracy in Australia.”

“At times many voters feel alienated and isolated from the decision-making processes of government;

they become frustrated by interference of petty officials and bureaucrats.”

“We should be reminded that the battle at Eureka stockade led to political and personal benefits for

many Australians.”

The launch of the Eureka flag will be part of LDP National Conference at Balmain Leagues Club, Rozelle

on Sunday 24th January, 2010, commencing at 2 pm. 

The conference is open to the media. 

Further details: 

Peter Whelan

Liberal Democratic Party

02 9652 0415

Mobile: 0416 275 850


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