Budget A Positive Start For Child Protection Reform

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16th June 2009, 09:15pm - Views: 1112
Budget a Positive Start for Child Protection Reform

The Association of Children's Welfare Agencies (ACWA) has today welcomed the State Government's record investment into child protection, but says more funding is required to ensure the safety and wellbeing of vulnerable children and families in NSW.

ACWA CEO Andrew McCallum has described the $1.6 billion allocation, announced in today's State Budget, as a good down payment on bringing about desperately needed reforms recommended by Justice James Wood in his Special Commission of Inquiry into Child Protection in NSW, but believes there needs to be stronger funding commitment to prevention and early intervention programs.

"The bulk of this money is being used to further feed statutory child protection and out-of-home care services," Mr McCallum said.

"If this state is fair dinkum about implementing genuine reform, we need to see a major investment swing towards community support programs and early intervention and prevention programs that support families before their problems escalate into crisis."

Mr McCallum said he would also like to see a significantly larger portion of the
government's $750 million Keep Them Safe funding package channelled into the
non-government community sector.

"Non-government organisations will be taking on a far greater role in service
provision under the Keep Them Safe reforms and it is essential the government
supports them with adequate funding," he said.

"The government needs to double the money currently allocated to the nongovernment sector in its Keep Them Safe budget to reflect the non-government sector's role in providing the bulk of services, and the transferral of services needs to begin now."

The Association of Children's Welfare Agencies is the New South Wales peak body representing non-government organisations providing services to vulnerable children, young people and their families. The organisation has been operating for 50 years and has more than 100 member agencies.

For interviews please contact:
Andrew McCallum
Mob: 0409 221 414
E: [email protected]

For all other media enquiries please contact:
Libby McCalman
Communications Officer, ACWA
Mob: 0418 659 525
E: [email protected]

SOURCE: Association of Children's Welfare Agencies

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