Briefing: Nuclear Weapons: Resources Avail And Campaigners Praise Rudd

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13th June 2008, 05:08pm - Views: 1136
Key nuclear weapons campaign aplauds Kevin Rudds initiative. Professor John Langmore of International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons states "Rudd's Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Commission is neither rash nor another talk-fest.

"Re-engaging diplomatically has been part of ALP policy for some time, and this Commission is a timely and welcomed initiative by many working in this field.

"The solutions are already clear - and Gareth Evans was directly involved in both the Canberra Commission and the Blix Commission that formulated them.

"This Commission will provide the opportunity for refinement, clarification and development of a process for consideration of these ideas. ICAN Australia holds a vision of a nuclear weapons free world and will suggesting strategies to this Commission for making this a reality" he concluded.

Free copies of resources, including a MODEL NUCLEAR WEAPONS CONVENTION and UNDERSTANDING THE NUCLEAR NON-PROLIFERATION TREATY are available online or by request.
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