2009 State Election Report

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29th October 2009, 07:08pm - Views: 1234
Media Alert

Issued on behalf of the Electoral Commission of Queensland
29 October 2009


The Electoral Commission of Queensland has made a series of recommendations to
make the electoral system more accessible to voters.

A comprehensive report on the conduct of the 2009 State Election was tabled in
Parliament today.

The report, which can be viewed online at www.ecq.qld.gov.au, also contains
detailed information about voting trends in each electoral district as well as an evaluation of the conduct of the election.

Electoral Commissioner David Kerslake said the Commission has recommended a
number of legislative changes to make the electoral system more accessible.
These include internet and telephone voting options for people with disabilities, and provision for online enrolment.

"The Parliament also needs to bite the bullet and embrace the increasing trend
towards early voting. Changes in lifestyles mean that voting exclusively on polling day is a thing of the past," Mr Kerslake said.

Mr Kerslake said he was very pleased with the positive feedback received from
electors and other stakeholders.

"Almost 99% of respondents to our evaluation surveys were either satisfied or very satisfied with the overall process," he said.

Individual aspects that electors rated highly included polling booths, the helpfulness of polling staff and short waiting times when voting.

On election night, the Commission also received positive feedback from members of the public who had access to the Tally Room for the first time.

A full outline of the Commission's recommendations for legislative change is at pages 20-23 of the report.

Media contact

David Kerslake
Electoral Commissioner
[email protected]

SOURCE: Electoral Commission Queensland

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