"bligh's Destructive Surrogacy Laws And Evil Arrogance" - Family First's Francis

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12th February 2010, 02:04am - Views: 1019

People Feature Family First Senate Candidate For QLD Wendy Francis 1 image

From the Office of the Queensland Senate Candidate for Family First, Wendy


Media Release

11 Feb 2010

“Bligh’s destructive surrogacy laws equalled by her

evil arrogance” – Family First’s Francis

When Queensland Premier Anna Bligh called members of the parliament who spoke

out against new surrogacy laws “rednecks” she insulted every person who values the

family unit and the protection of children, according to Queensland senate candidate

for Family First Wendy Francis. “It was behaviour unfit for a Premier and she has

proved today that she doesn’t deserve to be Premier”

Francis has predicted another “Sorry Day” in around 20 years when the full effects of

the new laws are felt. “Anna Bligh has destroyed the lives of a future stolen

generation and has mocked those who are appalled and distressed at the passing of

these laws which can only be described as evil”, Francis claimed. 

The new legislation allows single adults and homosexual couples to enter into a

surrogate agreement for a child. “The Premier thinks it’s ok for a child – who doesn’t

get a choice - to enter the world without ever having a legal mother or father, or

maybe having two legal fathers or two mothers”. Francis said. “Anna Bligh doesn’t

care because her own children won’t be affected as they enjoy a mother and father.

Yet she will have long left office when society has to deal with the horrific emotional

and psychological consequences of her immoral choice for many other children”,

Francis said. 

Francis also accused the state opposition of being all talk and no action. “The

opposition should have been shouting this down for months but until the last few

days we’ve heard very little from them”, she said. 

She has vowed to look at ways to overrule Queensland legislation if she is elected to

the federal senate at the next election. “Queensland needs a senator from Family

First because the fight to protect children has just begun”, she said

Wendy Francis is available for an interview. 

To arrange please contact Wendy on 0421 085 860

Or media representative Lyall Mercer on 0413-749-830

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