Wa Celebrates Australia Day 2010

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25th January 2010, 05:33pm - Views: 1326
WA Celebrates Australia Day 2010

Western Australia will host the nation's biggest citizenship ceremony when about 2600 people from 95 countries become citizens at a special Australia Day event in Perth's northern suburbs tomorrow (26 January).

The mega-ceremony in Wanneroo is just one of the 54 citizenship ceremonies being hosted across the state which will see more than 3700 people become Australian citizens. The Perth metropolitan area will play host to 24 ceremonies for 900 people while about 220 people will become citizens at 29 ceremonies in country WA.

Nationwide, a record 16 500 people from 144 countries will become citizens at 350 ceremonies on and around Australia Day making 2010 celebrations the biggest ever.

In WA, German-born Doctors Thomas and Wiebke Ledowski and their two children will become citizens on January 26 at a ceremony in Floreat. The couple have called Australia home since 2004 and are very excited to become citizens as the whole nation celebrates.

"We love Australia, the lifestyle and the weather and the way everybody has such a positive attitude," Mrs Ledowski said.

January 26 is a chance for everyone to celebrate the diversity on which Australia is built.

The Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, Senator Chris Evans, said Australia has been enriched by the cultures of people from more than 200 countries who have chosen to call Australia home.

"Becoming an Australian citizen shows commitment and loyalty to this country and a desire to share in our common future," Senator Evans said.

"Australian citizenship is about people embracing a new national identity and a chance for all Australians to understand the role citizenship plays in building a strong, unified nation.

"Our citizenship is something we should all actively celebrate on Australia Day.
"I invite everyone attending ceremonies to also celebrate their commitment to Australia by joining in the affirmation and publicly stating their loyalty and commitment to Australia and its people."

Note to media: Broadcast-quality audio grabs from Senator Evans and further information on Australian citizenship are available online at: www.newsroom.immi.gov.au

For interviews with new citizens: Contact the Department of Immigration and Citizenship National Communications Branch on (02) 6264 2244.

Media Contacts:
Simon Dowding (02) 6277 7860 or 0411 138 541 (Minister's office)
DIAC National Communications Branch on (02) 6264 2244

SOURCE: Minister for Immigration and Citizenship

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