Research Finds Immigration Makes Australia Stronger

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22nd April 2008, 07:46pm - Views: 1187
Research Finds Immigration Makes Australia Stronger

Research by the Monash Institute for the Study of Global Movements shows high levels of support for the immigration program, the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, Senator Chris Evans, said today.

"Maintaining a strong immigration program with integrity is critical to Australia's future," Senator Evans said.

"It will help us meet the skills and labour shortages we are facing in an increasingly competitive and globalised world, as Australia's population ages.

"I find this research very encouraging -- 69 per cent of those surveyed agree that immigration makes Australia stronger. It is also encouraging that the percentage of people who feel that immigration levels are too high now is half the rate reported ten years ago."

The Parliamentary Secretary for Multicultural Affairs and Settlement Services, Laurie Ferguson, saw the research as painting a positive picture of Australia as a cohesive society.

"While not a reason for complacency, I find it encouraging that Australia, one of the world's most diverse nations, retains very high levels of social cohesion," Mr Ferguson said.

"I note very positive findings in the report, such as 96 per cent of those surveyed feeling a strong sense of belonging and 94 per cent expressing pride in Australia.

"There is, of course, always work to be done. Many government, community and private sector programs contribute to social cohesion. The government is reviewing its multicultural policy and advisory arrangements to ensure we continue to make progress as a prosperous, cohesive and inclusive society.

"I look forward to consultations and discussions on the details of the research in the near future," the parliamentary secretary added.

The research report, Mapping social cohesion the Scanlon Foundation surveys, was written by Professor Andrew Markus and Dr Arunachalam Dharmalingam (Monash Institute for the Study of Global Movements) in partnership with the Australian Multicultural Foundation. The research was funded by the Scanlon Foundation.

Media contacts:
Simon Dowding (Senator Evans):
02 6277 7860 or 0411 138 541

Khaldoun Hajaj (Mr Ferguson):
02 6277 4920 or 0404 078 692

SOURCE: Minister for Immigration and Citizenship
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