Refugee Week Celebration And Art Show In Parramatta

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16th June 2009, 02:57pm - Views: 1086
Media Alert

Refugee Week Celebration and Art Show in Parramatta

ANGLICARE Sydney will host a showcase of art created by the children of
refugee and migrant families.

The day includes award presentations, music, dance and afternoon tea as part
of Refugee Week 2009 Celebrations.

Migrant and Refugee families involved in ANGLICARE's MARS program

Wednesday, 17 June 2009, 4pm-5.30pm

Level 4, 16 Parkes Street, Parramatta

To RSVP and to arrange an interview or photograph contact:
Christine Ratnasingham on
0434 316 970 or
(02) 9895 8000.

SOURCE: Anglicare Sydney

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