Positive Report On Social Cohesion

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1st December 2009, 01:45pm - Views: 1204
Positive Report on Social Cohesion

The Parliamentary Secretary for Multicultural Affairs and Settlement Services, Laurie Ferguson, today welcomed the Scanlon Foundation's launch of the report Mapping Social Cohesion 2009.

Mr Fergsuon said the report indicated an increased level of trust and confidence in the Australian Government and its policies, particularly its pursuit of social justice and equity.

"The positive results compared to the 2007 study are particularly pleasing despite being undertaken in a climate of economic uncertainty," Mr Ferguson said.

"The survey conducted at both a national and local level found the overwhelming majority of Australians expressed a strong sense of pride in our way of life and culture."

It was completed by 3800 Australians involving a national survey of 2000 respondents and six local surveys with a total of 1800 respondents.

Key findings included:
* 93 per cent believe that maintaining the Australian way of life and culture is important

* 82 per cent agree that Australia "is a land of economic opportunity where in the long run, hard work brings a better life".

However, Mr Ferguson said there was still cause for some concern with some local
government areas experiencing higher levels of discrimination and lower levels of trust and safety.

The study showed that the majority (55 per cent) of Australians support our current level of migration. However, it also found that in areas with high migration rates, support for the immigration intake is lower.

"While we have done much, now is not the time to be complacent we must do more to facilitate successful settlement and acceptance," Mr Ferguson said.

"I congratulate the Scanlon Foundation, the Australian Multicultural Foundation and the Monash Institute for the Study of Global Movements and, in particular, Professor Andrew Markus for producing another landmark report."

Media contact:
Carla Wilshire
0432 755 935

SOURCE: Laurie Ferguson, Parliamentary Secretary for Multicultural Affairs and Settlement Services

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