Miraculous Survival Leads To Life Clinic

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16th April 2008, 09:37pm - Views: 1240

Attention: Editor   News release   17/4/08   miracle 1

Miraculous survival

leads to Life Clinic

Spiritual and health counsellor Mehdi Jaffari of the Life Clinic

at Chatswood does not claim to perform miracles for his

clients but does say it is a miracle he escaped his homeland

and lived to serve people at all.

A refugee from a revolution in Iran and a survivor of several heart attacks, Mehdi

says it is a miracle he is even alive.

Several brushes with death and a near-death experience have given him a

strong faith in God, he says, which inspires him to help people.

Mehdi and his wife, Tracy, set up the clinic in Chatswood in 2005. He counsels

multicultural clients of all religions.

He is qualified with a Certificate In Community Work from Auckland University to

counsel adults, children and families in mental illness, drug and alcohol addiction,

self-awareness and life in general.

He also counsels individuals and families in spiritual healing and energizing.

Mehdi was living with his family and owned an established mechanical garage in

Tehran in 1979 during the revolution in Iran.

He says that because he helped wounded protesters the police kept trying to

arrest and imprison him. To avoid them he had to leave his family and business

and sleep on the street. 

His garage was demolished and his house burned down in 1980 and he had to

take his wife and children and leave them with relatives.

The Ayatollah who had taken over from the Shah and set up a republic was

executing thousands of his opponents. 

Mehdi escaped alone to the border of Turkey but was quickly arrested by

immigration police and imprisoned overnight.

They were to take him back to Tehran where “I faced serious charges, prison and

certain execution,” he says.

“The miracle is that overnight the captain of the prison received spiritual

messages telling him to release me.” 

People Immigration Life Clinic 2 image

He says the next morning the captain took him across the border into Turkey and

let him go.

Later that year, 1980, Iraq invaded Iran and began an eight-year war which killed

about a million people.

He lived in Turkey and worked in the film industry there, with his wife and

children visiting him at times. 

After he helped some refugees coming from Iran, he says, police arrested him for

not having a passport and imprisoned, questioned and beat him.

He says he bribed authorities and escaped to Malaysia with his family in 1989. 

After being in Malaysia less than a month, police arrested him for not having a

passport. He was imprisoned there for nine months before being deported to


After travelling from Bangladesh and living in Singapore for a couple of years, he

was allowed into New Zealand in 1992 as a political refugee. 

He studied counselling, community services and addiction at Auckland University

then set up a Life Clinic in Auckland and practised as a counsellor and healer.

When he suffered his first heart attack in 2000, he says, he had an after-death

experience before paramedics arrived.

He met and married Tracy in New Zealand in 2002 and they moved to Australia

in 2005. 

Mehdi survived four heart attacks in 2007 and underwent an angiogram and

stenting procedure


In early 2008 he underwent life saving heart surgery at

Royal North Shore Hospital. He has advanced coronary artery disease.

“It is nothing short of a miracle I am still alive today,” he says. 

“I believe God has controlled circumstances in my life, without a doubt,” he says.

“I feel that without his intervention, I would not be here today.”   

Mehdi Jaffari’s Life Clinic is at 195 Fullers Road, Chatswood, NSW, 2067;

telephone (02) 9410 3143 or (02)] 9403 5995, mobile 0432 574277 or 0403

700438, email tjaffari@optusnet.com.au .

People Immigration Life Clinic 3 image

# end

Media contacts: Mehdi and Tracy Jaffari, Life Clinic Counselling, 195 Fullers

Road, Chatswood, NSW, 2067; telephone (02) 9410 3143 or (02)] 9403 5995,

mobile 0432 574277 or 0403 700438, email tjaffari@optusnet.com.au .

Download a high-resolution photograph of Mehdi Jaffari at www.wb-

pr.com/mj/mj.htm .

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