Migration's Contribution To Regional Prosperity

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8th April 2008, 11:02pm - Views: 1163
9 April 2008

Migration's Contribution to Regional Prosperity

The Parliamentary Secretary for Multicultural Affairs and Settlement Services, Laurie Ferguson, has praised the contribution migration is making to life in regional Australia.

Visiting the Victorian centres of Shepparton, Bendigo and Ballarat on April 9-10, Mr Ferguson said migrants were bringing much-needed skills, experience and labour as well as their rich cultural traditions to the country.

It is his first visit to regional Australia since taking up the portfolio.

Mr Ferguson will meet community leaders, local government representatives, settlement service providers and religious leaders and attend a multicultural dinner and preside at a citizenship ceremony.

Mr Ferguson said he would be taking a close interest in the delivery of English-language training in rural centres.

Figures issued recently show migration as the leading factor in Victoria's population growth last financial year with skilled migration accounting for more than half (54.8 per cent) the total number of overseas permanent additions.

"The top occupations in this stream were accountants, computing professionals, registered nurses, building and engineering professionals and managers and administrators," the parliamentary secretary said.

Victoria gained 31 947 people through natural increase in 2006-07 and lost 2194 people through net interstate migration.

"The United Kingdom remains the leading birthplace of Victoria's overseas migrants, while people born in Italy, New Zealand, Vietnam and China are the next largest birthplace groups," the parliamentary secretary said.

Mr Ferguson also hailed the success of the first regional humanitarian settlement pilot project in establishing a Congolese community in Shepparton and the progress already made by a second humanitarian settlement project, for Togolese settlers, in Ballarat.

Media Contact: Khaldoun Hajaj - 0404 078 692

SOURCE: Hon Laurie Ferguson MP, Parliamentary Secretary for Multicultural Affairs and Settlement Services

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