International Students

Government - Immigration Press Release
10th June 2009, 03:21pm -
Views: 1292
Creating a Welcoming and Legitimate Environment for International Students
10 June 2009
The Migration Institute of Australia supports calls for a Senate Inquiry into international education in Australia. The sector deserves closer scrutiny by government, including an attempt to crack down on education agents here and overseas who, unlike migration agents, can act without regulation.
It is an industry too valuable to be hijacked by illegal and unethical behaviour by either desperate visa seekers or unscrupulous operators. If migration agents are involved they will be barred from the profession. This behaviour is not tolerated in the migration profession.
Students who need immigration or visa advice should only rely on registered migration agents.
Once arriving here, international students deserve the wholehearted support of the Australian community and it is loathsome that those seeking an education may be targeted by violent offenders.
We can't let a valuable Australian educational experience be tainted by the shocking behaviour of the few.
Available for Interview:
Maurene Horder
Chief Executive Officer
Migration Institute of Australia
M: 0418 655 203
For Further Information:
Tara Grimshaw
Communications Manager
Migration Institute of Australia
T: 02 9279 3140 (ext 38)
M: 0410 532 995
[email protected]About MIA - The Migration Institute of Australia is the professional association for Australian migration service providers worldwide. It represents Registered Migration Agents who provide services to families, businesses and industries.
SOURCE: Migration Institute of Australia