Immigration Urged To Continue Crackdown

Government - Immigration Press Release
7th August 2009, 09:50pm -
Views: 1556
Immigration Urged to Continue Crackdown
The professional association representing registered migration agents, the Migration Institute of Australia, welcomes the prosecution of an illegal operator in Adelaide today, and urges the Department of Immigration and Citizenship to move faster in addressing the problem of illegal agents.
Over the last 2 years, the MIA has reported 60 rogue agents to the Department of Immigration and Citizenship , including Mr Harry Alevizos in May 2007 "This is the first case we've heard the Department take action on since we first alerted it to these dodgy operators." Says Maurene Horder, CEO of the Migration Institute of Australia.
Harry Alevizos of Clearview has been sentenced in Adelaide Magistrate Court to two years jail for falsely taking money for migration advice when he was not a registered agent.
"Any illegal behaviour by individuals posing as legitimate migration agents is not tolerated by the Institute and should be cracked down on by the Department." says Ms Horder.
The bad behaviour of a minority of unscrupulous operators' impacts negatively on the entire migration advice profession.
"We anticipate more prosecutions to come given the high numbers of rogue operators we reported to the Department while the MARA was under our watch. We urge the Department to strongly enforce their role in the investigation and prosecution of illegal operators." Says Ms Horder.
Available for Interview: Contact:
Maurene Horder
Chief Executive Officer
Migration Institute of Australia
Phone 0418 655 203
Tara Grimshaw
Communications Manager
Migration Institute of Australia
Phone: 0410 532 995,
[email protected]SOURCE: Migration Institute of Australia