Fraudulent Migration Activity Not Tolerated

Government - Immigration Press Release
7th May 2009, 06:46pm -
Views: 1193
Fraudulent Migration Activity Not Tolerated
7 May 2009
The Migration Institute of Australia (MIA) commends the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship for taking prompt action regarding an alleged racket involving the supply of false documents used to support visa applications.
As the body representing migration professionals, the MIA does not tolerate this kind of behaviour.
Chief Executive Maurene Horder says, "Providing false documents is fraud, which is a criminal offence. Such actions must be pursued by the proper Government authorities."
The Migration Agents Registration Authority, which the Migration Institute of Australia operates under statutory self-regulation, is not responsible to investigate allegations of fraudulent migration activity. The MIA supports the Department of Immigration and Citizenship in investigating all allegations to ensure fraudulent behaviour is stamped out.
Available for Interview:
Maurene Horder
Chief Executive Officer
Migration Institute of Australia
T: 02 9279 3140
M: 0418 655 203
For further information:
Tara Grimshaw
Communications Manager
Migration Institute of Australia
T: 02 9279 3140 (ext 38)
M: 0410 532 995
[email protected]
About MIA - The Migration Institute of Australia is the professional association for Australian migration service providers worldwide. It represents Registered Migration Agents who provide services to families, businesses and industries.
SOURCE: Migration Institute of Australia