World Masters Games Delivers $60 Million Boost To The Economy

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18th December 2009, 08:00am - Views: 752
World Masters Games Delivers $60 Million Boost To The Economy

18 December 2009

The NSW Government's commitment to securing successful major events for Sydney and the State saw positive returns today with new independent research showing the 2009 World Masters Games delivered a $60 million boost to the NSW economy.

Minister for Tourism Jodi McKay said that the Sydney 2009 World Masters Games -
declared the best ever by International Masters Games Association President Kai
Holm exceeded all expectations in terms of global profile and economic benefit.

"Sydney is Australia's only global city, and the nation's premier destination for sporting events," Ms McKay said.

"More than 28,000 competitors from 95 countries, competed in 28 sports at 72
venues in and around Sydney. Competition was held at venues as far north as Mona
Vale, as far south as Wollongong and as far west as Clandulla State Forest near

"The success of the Sydney 2009 World Masters Games is underlined by the
massive contribution the event has made to the NSW economy and to confirming
Sydney's global reputation as Australia's premier events city.

"Games athletes spent more than the average visitor to NSW demonstrating that
hosting the event brought real benefits to the community.

Ms McKay said that the research showed the average length of stay for Games participants was 12 days, with many athletes choosing to extend their trip to spend time with family and friends in the State.

"Around 40 per cent of Games participants had at least one other person with them in their travel party, with visitors from regional NSW and international visitors travelling with more than one other person.

"The research shows 80% of overseas participants say they are likely to return to Australia for a holiday and 85% would recommend Sydney as a destination to their family or friends.

The research was conducted by Inside Story on behalf of the Sydney 2009 World
Masters Games Organising Committee.

Media contacts
Minister McKay: Andrew Parkinson +61-447-202-091
Sydney 2009 World Masters Games Organising Committee: Natalie Soltyszewski +61-413-995-043
Research highlights

Economic summary
Prior to the Games, estimated revenue for NSW from the 2009 games was $50

* This research shows visitor expenditure in NSW was estimated at $1,889 per registration
* Visitor expenditure in NSW from non NSW residents (ie interstate and international visitors) was $2,720 per registration
* Based on total registrations of 31,885 (NSW, interstate and international) the total estimated revenue for NSW was $60.2 million
* It should be borne in mind that for the Sydney 2009 World Masters Games, SWMGOC employed 60 people and had an operating budget of $30 million, most of which was spent in NSW
* Direct expenditure by visitors in Victoria (excluding Victorian residents) at the Melbourne 2002 games reached $27.6 million, and the operations impact was $1.9 million

Majority of visitors stayed in paid accommodation the most popular being serviced apartments

* Those staying in serviced apartments tended to be international residents(23%), females(25%) and aged between 40 to 49 years(24%)
* Visitors staying in either 4 or 5 star hotels were more likely to be international visitors(21%), male(19)% and be travelling with others(18%)
* Unpaid accommodation (those staying with family or friends) was higher among regional NSW residents(31%)

Travel party and length of stay
More than four in ten survey participants had at least 1 other person with them in their travel party to the Games. This was higher among regional NSW and international survey participants

* On average, travel party size among all survey participants is 3.6

Survey participants from interstate spent an average of 9.4 nights in Sydney and regional NSW before, during and after the games and international survey participants spent an average of 15.8 nights in Australia before, during and after the games.

4 in 5 international participants say they are likely to return to Australia for a holiday in the future and 76% would encourage friends and family to visit Sydney and NSW.

Experience of the Games
The overall service provided at the Games is a good result with 75% perceiving
service as either good or excellent

The majority of survey participants(84%) had either an enjoyable or very enjoyable experience at the World Masters Games

Around 2 in 3 survey participants are likely to consider participating at the next World Masters Games in Turin

The research was commissioned by the Sydney 2009 World Masters Games Organising Committee to obtain feedback from competitors, determine the economic impact of the Games and produce findings as legacy items to a range of stakeholders. The research was conducted by Inside Story with independent and robust analysis. Research included pre and post Games online and self complete surveys with response rates of 8% pre and 16% post Games.

SOURCE: Sydney 2009 World Masters Games Organising Committee

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