World's Biggest Fingerprick - Tues 28 July 10 Am - Parl. House

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24th July 2009, 05:06pm - Views: 834

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Government Government Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation 3 image

Media Alert

24 July 2009

The World’s Biggest Fingerprick

Kids with type 1 diabetes head to Parliament House

40 children with type 1 diabetes from around Victoria will visit Parliament House for Kids in the House on

Tuesday 28 July to tell the state’s politicians about their hopes for a cure and to issue a challenge:

participate in the World’s Biggest Fingerprick to share a moment of life with type 1 diabetes. 

V8 Supercar driver Jack Perkins, who has type 1 diabetes, will lead the mass, simultaneous

fingerprick. MPs, the media and supporters are invited to take part. With over 100 people expected to

prick their finger to share a moment of life with type 1 diabetes, it is believed to be a world first. 

Fingerpricks are an essential part of the painful daily routine that keeps people with type 1 diabetes alive. 

Children and adults with type 1 diabetes, who number 30,000 in Victoria, need to check their blood

glucose levels 4-6 times a day on average. This enables them to calculate their insulin dose, and when

this complex juggling act works properly, it helps to reduce the risk of long term complications like

blindness, stroke and kidney disease. 

JDRF CEO Mike Wilson said “Victoria is a recognised centre of excellence for medical research and

JDRF supports more than 20 projects in this state, which represents around 100 researchers. These

dedicated scientists have recently broken new ground and there are now more therapies in human

clinical trials than ever before.”

“As an autoimmune disease, type 1 diabetes is thought to be caused by a complex mixture of genetic

and environmental factors - but not by an unhealthy diet or obesity. A cure for type 1 diabetes is needed

urgently as the rate of new cases in children in this country is rising by 3% every year.” 

Join JDRF for the World’s Biggest Fingerprick!


Steps of Parliament House Victoria, No. 1 Spring Street Melbourne


Tuesday 28 July at 10.00 am

Photo and



100 people (40 children with type 1 diabetes plus around 60 supporters)

simultaneously pricking their finger 

V8 Supercar driver Jack Perkins, who has type 1 diabetes

Victorian politicians 

Renowned Victorian scientist Professor Warwick Anderson AM, CEO of the

National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)

International diabetes expert Dr Bob Goldstein MD PhD, Senior VP Scientific

Affairs, JDRF International

Type 1 diabetes – the facts There are 140,000 Australians with type 1 diabetes and with five new cases every day, Australia has one of the highest rates in the

world. The number of Australian children being diagnosed with this disease is increasing by 3% every year. Typically striking young people, type 1 diabetes destroys

the ability to produce insulin, which is vital for life. It requires an essential daily regime of multiple injections or continuous infusion of insulin through a pump, as well

as 6 – 8 finger-prick blood tests. Type 1 diabetes is associated with a significantly increased risk of serious health complications. The Juvenile Diabetes Research

Foundation is the world’s largest not-for-profit supporter of diabetes research and has invested over $1.6 billion since inception in 1970. The mission of JDRF is

constant: to find a cure for diabetes and its complications through the support of research. 

For more information please contact Lyndal Howison on 0411 110 717

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