War Graves Director Appointed For Second Term

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28th February 2009, 11:04am - Views: 906

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Parliament House Canberra ACT 2602 

Telephone 02 6277 7820  Facsimile 02 6273 4140

The Hon Alan Griffin MP

Minister for Veterans’ Affairs


Saturday, 28 February 2009


The Australian Government has re-appointed Major General Paul Stevens AO (Retd) as

Director of the Office of Australian War Graves, the Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Alan Griffin,

announced today.

Mr Griffin said MAJGEN Stevens, first appointed in April 2006, has been re-appointed to hold

the position from 13 April 2009 until 3 December 2010.

“MAJGEN Stevens has served as Director of the Office of War Graves with distinction and I am

delighted that he will continue in this role,” Mr Griffin said.

“In his time as Director, MAJGEN Stevens has overseen the re-dedication of the Australian

Corps Memorial Park at Le Hamel on the Western Front and the installation of interpretive

material across the Western Front.  

“He also oversaw last year’s services at the Australian National Memorial, Villers-Bretonneux,

France, marking the 90th anniversary of the 1918 battles on the Western Front and the

Armistice.  In recent years his office has undertaken a program to upgrade the structural and

horticultural maintenance of the war cemeteries in Papua New Guinea and at several locations

across Australia, such as the Sandgate War Cemetery in New South Wales.”

The Office of Australian War Graves maintains war cemeteries and individual war graves in

Australia and Papua New Guinea, and supervises the commemoration of Australian war dead in

Korea and Malaysia.  It also constructs and maintains national memorials overseas and

commemorates eligible veterans whose deaths are related to their war service. 

MAJGEN Stevens graduated from the Royal Military College Duntroon in 1967 and served in

the Vietnam War with the 105th Field Battery and the Headquarters of the 1st Field Regiment,

Royal Australian Artillery.  He has a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Queensland

and is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.  He was the Australian

Army’s Chief of Personnel from 1993 until his retirement in 1997. MAJGEN Stevens served on

the Repatriation Commission from 1997-2003 as the ex-service member.  From 2003 until his

appointment as the Director of the Office of Australian War Graves he worked as a consultant

on projects including a review of Defence Health Services for the Australian Defence Force.

Media inquiries: Laura Ryan 0437 863 109

The VVCS – Veterans and Veterans Families Counselling Service can be contacted 24 hours a day, seven days a

week on 1800 011 046.

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