Visit To Perth By Mozambican Minister Of Foreign Affairs And Cooperation

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11th September 2009, 04:31pm - Views: 723
Visit to Perth by Mozambican Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation

Today I met in Perth with Mozambique's Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Mr Oldemiro Baloi.

It is the first official visit to Australia by a Foreign Minister of Mozambique in nearly 20 years, and Mr Baloi's first visit to Perth as Foreign Minister.

Mr Baloi and I visited the Fire and Emergency Services Authority (FESA) of Western Australia and he was my guest at an official lunch at the University of Western Australia.

During our formal bilateral meeting we discussed Mozambique's economic growth over the past decade and the opportunities this has created to build commercial links between Australia and Mozambique.

We also discussed security and political matters with in Africa and the role of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) in Zimbabwe's path to democracy.

I advised Mr Baloi that Australia will provide $5 million in 2009-10 to improve access to clean water in Mozambique, including rural townships.

This program will build on existing work through the World Bank to expand sustainable access to water while protecting the environment.

Climate change and environmental management is a growing area of cooperation between Australia and Mozambique.

Cyclones and floods continue to claim lives in Mozambique, destroy crops and livelihoods, and lead to cholera outbreaks.

Australia will provide $1 million to help build the capacity of Mozambique's Natural Disaster Management Institute to mitigate the impact of natural and climate-change related disasters.

Through the Australian Centre for Agricultural Research, Australia will contribute $1 million to an agricultural research program to improve the productivity of maize crops.

Australia will also offer 18 scholarships to Mozambique in 2010 as part of Australia's expanding scholarships program in Africa.

Mr Smith's Office:
Courtney Hoogen
02 6277 7500
0488 244901
Departmental : (02) 6261 1555


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