Victorian Veterans' Creativity Encouraged In Competition

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15th May 2009, 11:23am - Views: 853

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Parliament House Canberra ACT 2602 

Telephone 02 6277 7820  Facsimile 02 6273 4140

The Hon Alan Griffin MP

Minister for Veterans’ Affairs


Friday, 15 May 2009



The Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Alan Griffin, is encouraging Victorian veterans to pick up their

paintbrushes, pens and cameras and enter the annual Story Writing and Art Competition for

Victorian veterans.

Mr Griffin said the 47th annual Story Writing and Art Competition will highlight the creativity of

the Victorian veteran community.  

“The competition provides all of the Victorian ex-service community with an opportunity to share

their experiences and demonstrate their creative skills,” Mr Griffin said.

“The well-being of the veteran community is enriched by participating in activities that are

meaningful and enjoyable, such as story writing, art, craft and photography.  

“I encourage all veterans, their families and war widows in Victoria to participate in this

competition.  Entries are encouraged from beginners through to the more experienced artists

and writers.”

“This year’s competition features a special writing category, ‘Women and War’, commemorating

the various roles undertaken by women during wartime,” Mr Griffin said.  

Entries in the art, craft and photography categories will be displayed at a public exhibition at the

Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital in October.  All winning entries will be included in a special

annual publication.  

Cash prizes, trophies and other awards for the best entries in each category will be presented at

ceremony in November. 

Entries close on 31 July and entry forms and more information is available from: 

Story Writing & Art Competition Coordinator

Department of Veterans’ Affairs

GPO Box 87A

Melbourne VIC  3001


telephone 1300 132 515

Media inquiries: Sasha Nimmo 0437 863 109

The VVCS – Veterans and Veterans Families Counselling Service can be contacted 24 hours a day, seven days a

week on 1800 011 046. To receive the Minister’s media releases automatically by email subscribe at

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