Thousands To Benefit From New Resource Kit

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7th May 2008, 07:41pm - Views: 1162

Government Government Minister For Veterans' Affairs 1 image

The Hon Alan Griffin MP

Minister for Veterans’ Affairs


Wednesday 7 May 2008  


A new resources kit launched today will help thousands of veterans and older Australians by

providing doctors, nurses and allied health professionals with the latest information on wound


“Many people may not appreciate the importance of wound management,” Mr Griffin said. 

“However, it is an significant issue, affecting thousands of veterans and older Australians as

their skin becomes increasingly frail and prone to damage.

“The new kit contains the latest treatment information on 12 types of wounds that are common

among veterans, war widows and other older Australians and will assist health professionals to

decide the most effective way to treat wounds,” Mr Griffin said.

“The kit incorporates the results of new research and development of improved treatments,” Mr

Griffin said.

It includes an updated wound care wall chart, as well as a new pocket reference guide and a

CD-ROM, offering electronic and portable formats to provide health professionals access to

wound care information at all times.  

The kit has been developed in partnership with the Pharmacy Faculty of Monash University as

part of the Government’s Quality Use of Medicines program.

About 50,000 Wound Care Resource Kits will be distributed nationally to general practitioners,

pharmacies, community nursing agencies, residential aged care services and other health care


Senator for the Northern Territory Trish Crossin, launched the kit on behalf of Minister Griffin at

the Australian Wound Management Association’s national conference in Darwin.

Media inquiries: Laura Ryan  0437 863 109

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