Sydney Leadership Program Targets Government

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29th September 2009, 02:38pm - Views: 853

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29 September 2009 

2010 Sydney Leadership Program seeks participants from government

The Benevolent Society’s Social Leadership Australia is emerging as a major force for positive social change in

Australia. Now in its eleventh year, its flagship Sydney Leadership Program has developed a reputation as a forum

for social leadership development and extensive network building, promoting partnerships between senior

government, not-for-profit and corporate leaders. Applications for the 2010 intake of its Sydney Leadership

Program are closing soon and places are available for participants from government. Could this be your opportunity

or an opportunity for someone from your Department – to be a part of a great community change success story? 

Each year the Sydney Leadership Program brings together a group of talented leaders (and emerging leaders)

from across the corporate, government and not-for-profit sectors to work together in one of the nation’s most

unique and powerful leadership development programs. Combining a Harvard Business School model with an

uncompromising commitment to contributing to long-term, positive social change, the Sydney Leadership Program

offers an intense, experiential learning program for up to thirty dedicated individuals – with powerful results at an

individual, organisational and societal level. 94% of Sydney Leadership Program graduates report significant

changes in their lives, in their workplaces and in their communities as a direct result of their involvement in the

program. Government sector graduates from the Sydney Leadership Program include senior managers from: 


The Defence Department

The Department of Family and Community


The Department of Health

The Department of Immigration and Citizenship

The NSW Attorney General’s Department

The NSW Law Reform Commission

The NSW Department of Ageing, Disability &

Home Care

The NSW Department of Corrective Services

The NSW Department of Education & Training

The NSW Department of Housing

The NSW Department of Juvenile Justice

The NSW Police Department

The NSW Premier's Department

Here is some of what they had to say about the program : 

“The program not only lived up to my expectations, it exceeded them….. It made me see things from a

different perspective…. It equipped me with the tools to push forward in challenging situations …. I started working

with more purpose and with more clearly orientated goals…. I would definitely recommend it…. Sydney Leadership

will challenge you every day of the whole year, and beyond.”  

Allison Henry, Advisor to Senator Chris Evans

“The program totally re-energised me and reinspired me about the unique contribution that the public

sector can make to addressing social issues, and introduce me to new ways that I, as a public servant, can make a

difference. In addition, the program gave me the fresh perspective that I needed. It gave me a new language for

analysing social issues, and it gave me new confidence to try new things. I would strongly recommend Sydney

Leadership to any public servant working on social issues. It provides an excellent intellectual framework for

analysing social issues and provides practical skills in working with internal and external stakeholders to achieve

better results for individuals and communities.”

Lisa Ryan, Manager, Harm Minimisation, NSW Department of Health 

The Sydney Leadership Program combines experiential learning, contemporary theory and individual coaching

through a series of retreats, workshops and seminars. Participants learn about a range of key social issues such as

indigenous inequality, education, cultural diversity, the environment, poverty, mental health, homelessness, youth-

at-risk and migrants and refugees. 

Interested applicants are asked to register their intention to apply by 1 October 2009

Contact Social Leadership Australia on 02 9339 8000 or

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