State Must Invest In Regional Environmental Programs

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18th February 2009, 09:26pm - Views: 871

Government Government Queensland Regional NRM Group's Collective 1 image

Queensland Regional NRM Group’s Collective

PO Box 4608, Toowoomba  Q  4350

Media enquiries:  Samantha Morris 0421 709 519


19 February 2009

State must invest in regional environmental programs

Queensland’s regional natural resource management organisations have mixed reactions after the

Australian Government announcement of funding allocations for core operating costs for the coming

financial year.  

While collectively the organisations will receive $2 million less for core operating than last year, the funding

allocation comes with a four year guarantee, a massive step forward for environmental funding.  

The organisations are now waiting on the announcement of a national competitive Caring for Our Country

funding round which is not expected to be made until May or June.  The competitive funding is for important

land and water management, biodiversity and community engagement programs across high priority


Mike Berwick, Chair of the Queensland Regional Natural Resource Management Group’s Collective

acknowledges that some regions have fared better than others.

“When you take into consideration the Australian Government’s investment in reef protection, some of the

coastal regions are actually managing well, however other regions have suffered badly with considerable

funding cuts,” Berwick said.

The regional organisations, which employ more than 300 people, mostly in small regional towns are now

calling on the Queensland Government to ensure good financial support for natural resource management

programs at the regional level.

Berwick says the timing is perfect for the Queensland Government to make a strong commitment to regional

natural resource management and to ensure continuity of programs in inland regions as well as the coast.

“Our regional natural resource management bodies have worked tirelessly over the past 6 years to ensure

sustainability at the regional level.  They are engaging farmers, working closely with industry groups,

ensuring food security, educating people about dealing with climate change and conserving biodiversity,”

Berwick said.  

“At the end of the previous federal government’s Natural Heritage Trust program, the Queensland

Government was contributing in excess of $20 million a year to regional programs.  Anything short of that for

the coming financial year will severely impact on our ability to work towards sustainable natural resource

management.” Berwick said.

Regional organisations also want the two levels of Government to work together in developing a funding

package that will sustain regional environmental programs. 

Government Government Queensland Regional NRM Group's Collective 3 image

Queensland Regional NRM Group’s Collective

PO Box 4608, Toowoomba  Q  4350

Media enquiries:  Samantha Morris 0421 709 519

“We want a whole of government response to ensure continuity of employment and programs,” Berwick

said. “So we are asking Queensland Government agencies to collaborate with regional bodies and industry

stakeholders when applying for the Caring for Our Country funding available from the Australian


Berwick says other states have developed a collaborative approach which means there are less

applications, coordinated and strategic bids and less direct competition for the same high priority projects.

The regional organisations are also concerned about the timing of the State’s announcement, expected to

be in May.  Berwick says the timing of this announcement will leave some regions uncertain about

continuing programs and employment contracts into the next financial year.  

“We need to ensure continuity of employment for our staff and for the programs they are running,” Berwick

said.  “We are hoping the Queensland Government will see fit to make their funding and collaboration

commitments as early as possible.”

“We are calling on the Queensland Government to step up to the plate with a swift and serious investment in

regional sustainability, strong collaboration and to commit to a four year investment in line with the

Australian Government.” Berwick said.

Further information about the work of Queensland’s regional natural resource management organisations is

Media enquiries

Samantha Morris, Wombat Creative

0421 709 519 |


Mike Berwick, Chair Queensland Regional NRM Group’s Collective

0419 022 629

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