Sea Lake Hospital Rally Cancelled

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24th November 2009, 01:27pm - Views: 770

People Feature Australian Nursing Federation (Victorian Branch) 1 image

ANF (Vic Branch) is Victoria’s peak nursing industrial and professional body representing more than 48,000 members

Media inquiries: ANF Media Officer Robyn Asbury 03 9275 9333 or 0417 523 252

Media Release

Attention: news, health,

aged care, politics

Tuesday 24 November 2009

Sea Lake Hospital community rally cancelled after Victorian

Government agrees to save this vital rural facility

The Australian Nursing Federation (Victorian Branch) has welcomed the Victorian Government’s commitment to take

the Sea Lake Hospital into the public health system saving this vital rural facility which was due to close before


Today’s community rally on the steps of the Victorian Parliament House has been cancelled.

ANF (Victorian Branch) Acting Secretary Yvonne Chaperon said: “It’s fantastic that the Victorian Government has

listened to rural Victorians and recognised the importance of maintaining this health service.

“Many of Victoria’s regional and rural bush nursing hospitals are under pressure and we hope the next time one of

these not-for-profit facilities is in financial trouble the local community will not have to campaign so hard to save their


“Congratulations to the Sea Lake community for organising a passionate and successful grassroots campaign,” Ms

Chaperon said.


Media contact

Australian Nursing Federation (Victorian Branch) Assistant Secretary Yvonne Chaperon on 0439 617 408

Australian Nursing Federation (Victorian Branch) Media Officer Robyn Asbury 0417 523 252

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