Scholarships For Children Of Vietnam Veterans

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16th August 2008, 12:03pm - Views: 1271

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Parliament House Canberra ACT 2602 

Telephone 02 6277 7820  Facsimile 02 6273 4140

The Hon Alan Griffin MP

Minister for Veterans’ Affairs


Saturday, 16 August 2008 


Vietnam veteran families have benefited from $468,000 in tertiary education scholarships

presented to 52 sons and daughters of Vietnam veterans in 2008, the Minister for Veterans’

Affairs, Alan Griffin, said today.

Mr Griffin said the scholarships are recognition by the Australian Government of the additional

challenges children may face due to their parents’ Vietnam War service.

“The Long Tan Bursary scheme aims to help hard working students from Vietnam veteran

families through tertiary education and towards their long-term goals,” he said.

Mr Griffin said he was pleased to meet so many of the students at official presentation

ceremonies held across the country.

Mr Griffin said the students awarded the Long Tan Bursary in 2008 are heading towards careers

in areas as diverse as nuclear technology, aviation technology, architecture, medicine, science,

photography, education and commerce.

“These students have proven their ability and determination to achieve academically and I am

pleased the Australian Government is supporting their studies,” he said.

“Each bursary of up to $9000 over three years is awarded to students, including mature age

students, who have achieved good academic results and who have overcome personal

challenges to successfully complete their secondary education.”

Mr Griffin said more than 260 children of Vietnam veterans had benefited from the bursary

scheme since it was introduced in 2000.  The scheme was introduced in response to the

findings of the Vietnam Veterans’ Health Study to provide financial support to children of

Vietnam veterans with their tertiary education.

The bursary scheme is named after the Battle of Long Tan on 18 August 1966, in which

Australian soldiers of D Company 6 RAR encountered and fought off an enemy force of up to

2500 troops in a rubber plantation north of the village of Lon Tan.  Eighteen Australians lost

their lives in the battle.

Applications for the Long Tan Bursary scheme open on Vietnam Veterans’ Day each year, 

18 August, and close on 31 October.  Application forms are available from the Australian

Veterans’ Children Assistance Trust on 1800 620 361.

Media inquiries: Laura Ryan 0437 863 109

Editors note: A list of bursary recipients is attached.

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2008 Long Tan Bursary recipients


Madelaine McCausland of Longford, Bachelor of Arts, University of Tasmania;

Garry James of Claremont, Bachelor of Ocean Engineering, Australian Maritime College,


Samuel Kruimink of Sandy Bay, Bachelor of Science, University of Tasmania; and

Catherine Parsons of Sandy Bay, Bachelor of Business, University of Tasmania.


Hannah Jones of East Doncaster, Diploma of Community Welfare Work, Holmesglen TAFE;  

Amy Longhorn of Warrnambool, Bachelor of Arts, Deakin University in Warrnambool;  

Claire Dowling of Ballan, Bachelor of Psychological Science, University of Ballarat;   

Nikita Donovan of Barwonheads, Bachelor of Outdoor & Physical Education, La Trobe

University, Bendigo; 

Bess Skelton of Fitzroy, Bachelor of Fashion Design, RMIT University; and 

Michael Haviland of Miranda NSW, Associate Degree in Technology (Aviation), Swinburne

University, Hawthorne campus.


Brooke McKeever of Albany Creek, Bachelor of Veterinary Science, University of Queensland;

Marion Angel of Burpengary, Bachelor of Nursing, Queensland University of Technology;

Bronwyn Lyall of Wishart, Bachelor of Creative Industries, Queensland University of


Krystelle Watts of Taringa, Bachelor of Photography, Griffith University;

Katrina Brown of Gatton, Bachelor of Applied Science, University of Queensland;

Rebecca Cassidy of Townsville, Bachelor of Music, Queensland Conservatorium of Music;

Khamla Mott of Coolum Beach, Bachelor of Applied Science, University of Queensland;

Arabella Haig of Allora, Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Commerce, University of


Colleen Bell of Robertson, Bachelor of Education, Griffith University; 

James Ridgwell of Warrnambool Victoria, Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery, James

Cook University;and

Isobel Larkin of Alstonevale NSW Diploma of Dance, Queensland Conservatoire of Ballet.

Western Australia

Jarrod Carlson of Nollamara, Bachelor of Engineering and Computer Science, University of

Western Australia;

Katrina House of North Beach, Bachelor of Arts, University of Western Australia; and

Antony Lockley of Midway Point Tasmania, Bachelor of Commerce, Curtin University of


South Australia

Sara Cadd of Hectorville, Bachelor of Nursing at the University of South Australia;

Nicole Dikkenberg of North Haven, Bachelor of Journalism and Bachelor of Arts, International

studies, at the University of South Australia;

Carly Dunn of Willunga, Bachelor of Education at Flinders University.

Rebecca Johnston of Gawler, Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Law, at the University of

Adelaide; and

Anna Taheny of Sefton Park, Bachelor of Education in Design and Technology at the

University of South Australia.

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New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory

Jenny Chen of Nowra, Bachelor of Commerce, University of Canberra;

Daniel Clements of Sawtell, Bachelor of Commerce, Newcastle University; 

Elle Durrant of Salamander Bay, Bachelor of Design (Architecture), Newcastle University;   

Brooke Milligan of Newcastle, Bachelor of Development Studies, Newcastle University;  

Emily Morath of Mt Keira, Bachelor of Commerce and Accounting, University of Wollongong;  

David Oakden of Port Macquarie, Bachelor of Nuclear Science and Technology, Wollongong


Steven Pearce of Narromine, Bachelor of Electrical Engineering, Wollongong University;

Aaron Shiels of Ballina, Bachelor of Games and Interactive Entertainment, Queensland

University of Technology; 

Alexander Sutton of North Rocks, Bachelor of Science, Sydney University;  

Ophelia Tynan of Canberra, Bachelor of Arts, Australian National University;

Sarah Johnston of Howlong, Bachelor of Commerce, Latrobe University, Albury campus;

Zoe Van Munster of Chipping Norton, Bachelor of Arts (Pathway to Teaching Secondary),

University of Western Sydney, Bankstown campus; and

Nicole MacKay of Cobargo, Bachelor of Arts and Diploma in Education, Wollongong University.

* Ten of the Long Tan Bursary recipients have asked to remain anonymous.

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